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WordPress User Photo Component Remote File Upload Vulnerability

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WordPress User Photo Component Remote File Upload Vulnerability

Product Name: User Photo

Vendor: WordPress › User Photo WordPress Plugins

Versions Affected: 0.9.4 and probably previous versions

Severity: High

Credit: Sebastien Andrivet, Flora Bottaccio, ADVtools.com

Website: ADVtools - Les experts en sécurité informatique

Contact: advisories () advtools com

Date: 2011-02-17

I. Product Description

User Photo is a WordPress component that allows a user to associate a

photo with her account and for this photo to be displayed in posts

and comments.

II. Vulnerability description

When a photo is uploaded, it is only partially validated and it is

possible to upload a backdoor on the server hosting WordPress. This

backdoor can be called (executed) even if the photo has not been yet


III. Analysis

1. Image type validation

When a file is uploaded, its type is validated. Only the following

types are accepted:

$userphoto_validtypes = array(

"image/jpeg" => true,

"image/pjpeg" => true,

"image/gif" => true,

"image/png" => true,

"image/x-png" => true


The type is validated by the following code:


$error = sprintf(__("The uploaded file type “%s” is not

allowed.", 'user-photo'), $_FILES['userphoto_image_file']['type']);

This code verifies the MIME type of the uploaded file. A navigator

infers the MIME type from the file itself or from its extension but it

is possible to intercept the HTTP request and change it (using a proxy

such as WebScarab). This way, any file can be uploaded as if it were

an image. The HTTP header to change is Content-type:

Content-type: image/gif

2. Image resizing

When a photo (an image) is uploaded, its size is checked. If it is too

big, it is resized. To avoid this resizing, the uploaded file has to

look like a small image. The verification of the size of the image is

done with code such as:

$imageinfo = getimagesize($tmppath);

In the case of GIF, this PHP function simply looks at the beginning of

the GIF header and extracts the size of the image. A GIF header starts


Offset Length Contents

0 3 bytes "GIF"

3 3 bytes "87a" or "89a"

6 2 bytes <Logical screen width in little-endian byte order>

8 2 bytes <Logical screen height in little-endian byte order>

getimagesize ignores the remaining of the binary data. It is thus easy

to create a file that looks like a small GIF image but that is in fact

something else.

3. PHP file

A PHP file can contain binary data. This data are reflected on the

output steam without interpretation. Only data between <?php and ?>

are interpreted as PHP code (see

PHP: Escaping from HTML - Manual). Using

this characteristic and the previous point, it is thus possible to

construct a file that looks like a small GIF image but that is in fact

a PHP file. For example (in hexadecimal):

47 49 46 38 39 61 14 00 14 00 3C 3F 70 68 70 20 70 68 70 69 6E 66 6F

28 29 3B 20 3F 3E

This file is recognized as a GIF image with a width and a height of 20

pixels and also as a PHP file containing a call to phpinfo(). Using

the same technic, it is possible to upload a backdoor.

4. Uploading

Once uploaded, the PHP file is always located at the same place:


where alice is the login name (nickname) of the user uploading the file.

Important: This file is present even if it has not yet been approved

by the moderator.

5. Limitation

Since the PHP file begins with a fake GIF header, this header will be

output for every response. In practice, this is not really a problem:

it can be simply ignored (in the case of a backdoor outputting HTML)

or manually removed (in the case of the downloading of file). In some

cases (for example when images are dynamically returned), a backdoor

has to be slightly modified to avoid outputting two GIF headers.

6. Special case

In some installations, PHP files are interpreted as Unicode (16 bits).

Since the beginning of the GIF header is 16-bit aligned, it is not an

issue. The PHP code has to be written in Unicode.

7. Other concerns

This component contains also a XSS vulnerability located in the same

lines of code.

IV. Versions affected

Version 0.9.4 (latest version as of January 2011).

Other versions were not tested.

V. Impact

The exact impact depends of the configuration of the web server and of

the operating system:

- In the worst case, if Apache is running as root or as an

Administrator, the server is compromised (owned).

- If the Apache server is running as a dedicated low privilege user,

the backdoor will have limited access. Most of the time, the backdoor

will have read access but no write access except in very specific

places. To compromise the server, another vulnerability is necessary


VI. Proof of concept / Exploit

See part III.

VII. Mitigation, Workaround and fix

The hardening of the web server will limit the impact.

VIII. Disclosure time-line

2010.07 First researches, vulnerability discovered

2011.01.24 Proof of concept

2011.01.27 Vendor notified

2011.02.17 Public disclosure

IX. References

Graphics Interchange Format

Graphics Interchange Format - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

GIF specification


PHP Escaping from HTML

PHP: Escaping from HTML - Manual

Passing Malicious PHP Through getimagesize()

Passing Malicious PHP Through getimagesize() ha.ckers.org web application security lab

PHP Exploit Code in a GIF

PHP Exploit Code in a GIF


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