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Malware Analyst's Cookbook

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Here is a list of the recipes:

Anonymizing Your Activities

  • Anonymous Web Browsing with Tor
  • Wrapping Wget and Network Clients with Torsocks
  • Multi-platform Tor-enabled Downloader in Python
  • Forwarding Traffic Through Open Proxies
  • Using SSH Tunnels to Proxy Connections
  • Privacy-enhanced Web Browsing with Privoxy
  • Anonymous Surfing with Anonymous.org
  • Internet Access Through Cellular Networks
  • Using VPNs with Anonymizer Universal


  • Collecting Malware Samples with Nepenthes
  • Real-time Attack Monitoring with IRC Logging
  • Accepting Nepenthes Submissions over HTTP in Python
  • Collecting Malware Samples with Dionaea
  • Accepting Dionaea Submissions over HTTP in Python
  • Real-time Event Notification and Binary Sharing with XMPP
  • Analyzing and Replaying Attacks Logged by Dionaea
  • Passive Identification of Remote Systems with p0f
  • Graphing Dionaea Attack Patterns with SQLite3 and Gnuplot

Malware Classification

  • Examining Existing ClamAV Signatures
  • Creating a Custom ClamAV Database
  • Converting ClamAV Signatures to YARA
  • Identifying Packers with YARA and PEiD
  • Detecting Malware Capabilities with YARA
  • File Type Identification and Hashing in Python
  • Writing a Multiple-AV Scanner in Python
  • Detecting Malicious PE Files in Python
  • Finding Similar Malware with ssdeep
  • Detecting Self-modifying Code with ssdeep
  • Comparing Binaries with IDA and BinDiff

Sandboxes and Multi-AV Scanners

  • Scanning Files with VirusTotal
  • Scanning Files with Jotti
  • Scanning Files with NoVirusThanks
  • Database-enabled Multi-AV Uploader in Python
  • Analyzing Malware with ThreatExpert
  • Analyzing Malware with CWSandbox
  • Analyzing malware with Anubis
  • Writing AutoIT Scripts for Joebox
  • Defeating Path-dependent Malware with Joebox
  • Defeating Process-dependent DLLs with Joebox
  • Setting an Active HTTP Proxy with Joebox
  • Scanning for Artifacts with Sandbox Results

Domains and IP Addresses

  • Researching Domains with WHOIS
  • Resolving DNS Hostnames
  • Obtaining IP WHOIS Records
  • Querying Passive DNS with BFK
  • Checking DNS Records with Robtex
  • Performing a Reverse IP Search with DomainTools
  • Initiating Zone Transfers with dig
  • Brute-forcing Subdomains with dnsmap
  • Mapping IP Addresses to ASNs via Shadowserver
  • Checking IP Reputation with RBLs
  • Detecting Fast Flux with Passive DNS and TTLs
  • Tracking Fast Flux Domains with Tracker
  • Static Maps with Maxmind, Matplotlib and pygoeip
  • Interactive Maps with Google Charts API

Malicious Documents and URLs

  • Analyzing JavaScript with Spidermonkey
  • Automatically Decoding JavaScript with Jsunpack
  • Optimizing Jsunpack-n Decodings for Speed and Completeness
  • Triggering Exploits by Emulating Browser DOM Elements
  • Extracting JavaScript from PDF Files with pdf.py
  • Triggering Exploits by Faking PDF Software Versions
  • Leveraging Didier Stevens's PDF Tools
  • Determining which Vulnerabilities a PDF File Exploits
  • Disassembling Shellcode with DiStorm
  • Emulating Shellcode with Libemu
  • Analyzing Microsoft Office Files with OfficeMalScanner
  • Debugging Office Shellcode with DisView and MalHost-Setup
  • Extracting HTTP Files from Packet Captures with Jsunpack
  • Graphing URL Relationships with Jsunpack

Malware Labs

  • Routing TCP/IP Connections in Your Lab
  • Capturing and Analyzing Network Traffic
  • Simulating the Internet with INetSim
  • Manipulating HTTP/HTTPS with Burp Proxy
  • Using Joe Stewart's Truman
  • Preserving Physical Systems with Deep Freeze
  • Cloning and Imaging Disks with FOG
  • Automating FOG Tasks with the MySQL Database


  • Automated Malware Analysis with VirtualBox
  • Working with VirtualBox Disk and Memory Images
  • Automated Malware Analysis with VMware
  • Capturing Packets with TShark via Python
  • Collecting Network Logs with INetSim via Python
  • Analyzing Memory Files with Volatility
  • Putting All the Sandbox Pieces Together
  • Automated Analysis with Zero Wine and QEMU
  • Automated Analysis with Sandboxie and Buster

Dynamic Analysis

  • Logging API Calls with Process Monitor
  • Change Detection with Regshot
  • Receiving File System Change Notifications
  • Receiving Registry Change Notifications
  • Handle Table Diffing
  • Exploring Code Injection with HandleDiff
  • Watching Bankpatch.C Disable Windows File Protection
  • Building an API Monitor with Microsoft Detours
  • Following Child Processes with your API Monitor
  • Capturing Process, Thread, and Image Load Events
  • Preventing Processes from Terminating
  • Preventing Malware from Deleting Files
  • Preventing Drivers from Loading
  • Using the Data Preservation Module
  • Creating a Custom Command Shell with ReactOS

Malware Forensics

  • Discovering Alternate Data Streams with TSK
  • Detecting Hidden Files and Directories with TSK
  • Finding Hidden Registry Data with Microsoft's Offline API
  • Bypassing Poison Ivy's Locked Files
  • Bypassing Conficker's File System ACL Restrictions
  • Scanning for Rootkits with GMER
  • Detecting HTML Injection by Inspecting IE's DOM
  • Registry Forensics with RegRipper Plug-ins
  • Detecting Rogue Installed PKI Certificates
  • Examining Malware that Leaks Data into the Registry

Debugging Malware

  • Opening and Attaching to Processes
  • Configuring a JIT Debugger for Shellcode Analysis
  • Getting Familiar with the Debugger GUI
  • Exploring Process Memory and Resources
  • Controlling Program Execution
  • Setting and Catching Breakpoints
  • Using Conditional Log Breakpoints
  • Debugging with Python Scripts and PyCommands
  • Detecting Shellcode in Binary Files
  • Investigating Silentbanker's API Hooks
  • Manipulating Process Memory with WinAppDbg Tools
  • Designing a Python API Monitor with WinAppDbg


  • Reversing XOR Algorithms in Python
  • Detecting XOR Encoded Data with yaratize
  • Decoding Base64 with Special Alphabets
  • Isolating Encrypted Data in Packet Captures
  • Finding Crypto with SnD Reverser Tool, FindCrypt, and Kanal
  • Porting OpenSSL Symbols with Zynamics BinDiff
  • Decrypting Data in Python with PyCrypto
  • Finding OEP in Packed Malware
  • Dumping Process Memory with LordPE
  • Rebuilding Import Tables with ImpREC
  • Cracking Domain Generation Algorithms
  • Decoding Strings with x86emu and Python

Working with DLLs

  • Enumerating DLL Exports
  • Executing DLLs with rundll3exe
  • Bypassing Host Process Restrictions
  • Calling DLL Exports Remotely with rundll32ex
  • Debugging DLLs with LOADDLL.EXE
  • Catching Breakpoints on DLL Entry Points
  • Executing DLLs as a Windows Service
  • Converting DLLs to Standalone Executables

Kernel Debugging

  • Local Debugging with LiveKd
  • Enabling the Kernel's Debug Boot Switch
  • Debug a VMware Workstation Guest (on Windows)
  • Debug a Parallels Guests (on Mac OS X)
  • Introduction to WinDbg Commands and Controls
  • Exploring Processes and Process Contexts
  • Exploring Kernel Memory
  • Catching Breakpoints on Driver Load
  • Unpacking Drivers to OEP
  • Dumping and Rebuilding Kernel Drivers
  • Detecting Rootkits with WinDbg Scripts
  • Kernel Debugging with IDA Pro

Memory Forensics with Volatility

  • Dumping Memory with MoonSols Windows Memory Toolkit
  • Remote, Read-only Memory Acquisition with F-Response
  • Accessing Virtual Machine Memory Files
  • Volatility in a Nutshell
  • Investigating Processes in Memory Dumps
  • Detecting DKOM Attacks with psscan
  • Exploring csrss.exe's Alternate Process Listings
  • Recognizing Process Context Tricks

Memory Forensics: Code Injection & Extraction

  • Hunting Suspicious Loaded DLLs
  • Detecting Unlinked DLLs with ldr_modules
  • Exploring Virtual Address Descriptors (VAD)
  • Translating Page Protections
  • Finding Artifacts in Process Memory
  • Identifying Injected Code with Malfind and YARA
  • Rebuilding Executable Images from Memory
  • Scanning for Imported Functions with impscan
  • Dumping Suspicious Kernel Modules

Memory Forensics: Rootkits

  • Detecting IAT hooks
  • Detecting EAT hooks
  • Detecting Inline API hooks
  • Detecting Interrupt Descriptor Table (IDT) Hooks
  • Detecting Driver IRP Hooks
  • Detecting SSDT Hooks
  • Automating Damn Near Everything with ssdt_ex
  • Finding Rootkits with Detached Kernel Threads
  • Identifying System-wide Notification Routines
  • Locating Rogue Service Processes with svcscan
  • Scanning for Mutex Objects with mutantscan

Memory Forensics: Network and Registry

  • Exploring Socket and Connection Objects
  • Analyzing the Network Artifacts Left by Zeus
  • Detecting Attempts to Hide TCP/IP Activity
  • Detecting Raw Sockets and Promiscuous NICs
  • Analyzing Registry Artifacts with Memory Registry Tools
  • Sorting Keys by Last Written Timestamp
  • Using Volatility with RegRipper

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Edited by Usr6
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