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[Python] RedTube link crawler [console]

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Pentru labatroni :D si cei care vor sa dea embed la p0rnache.

[Python] rtc - Pastebin.com

#! /usr/bin/env python3
# redtube.com video link crawler
# 11.05.2011

import sys, urllib.request, threading

class RTC(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, page):
self.page = page
def run(self):
word = b"stat['"
with urllib.request.urlopen("http://www.redtube.com/?page=" + str(self.page)) as uin:
source = uin.read()
start = source.find(b"<!-- Preparation templates -->")
end = source.find(b"<!-- Preparation templates end -->")
start = source.find(word, start, end)
while start != -1:
start = start + len(word)
string = ""
while source[start] != ord("'"):
string += chr(source[start])
start += 1
self.fobj.write("http://www.redtube.com/" + string + "\n")
start = source.find(word, start, end)

def main(argc, argv):
if argc == 5:
RTC.fobj = open(argv[1], "at")
for page in range(int(argv[2]), int(argv[3]) + 1):
while threading.active_count() > int(argv[4]):
while threading.active_count() > 1:
print("./rtc.py filename from to threads\n\
filename: path to a text file for storing links\n\
from: start page number\n\
to: end page number\n\
threads: how many pages to parse asinchronously\n")

if __name__ == "__main__":
main(len(sys.argv), sys.argv)

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Am mai auzit si eu de teoria asta, probabil adopta stilul de la C, acolo directivele nu le poti scrie pe aceeasi linie iar ca viteza mi se pare exact la fel chiar mai rapid (teoretic) de ce sa am N import cand pot avea unul singur la fel cum de ce sa am print("c") print("m")...etc cand pot avea print("c\nm\ni\nN") ?

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