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Sisu & Puya - O mare familie

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Sisu & Puya - Misca-te

Sisu & Puya - Nu ati inteles nimic

Sisu & Puya - Stai calm

Sisu & Puya feat. Aleko & Ada - Ignorant

Sisu & Puya feat. C.I.A & Alex - Mai vrei

Sisu & Puya feat. Dima - Camin fericit

Sisu & Puya feat. Nico - Generatii

Sisu & Puya feat. Supered - Aici e Romania

Sisu & Puya feat. Verabal - O Familie De Bogati

Sisu & Puya - Asta e pentru

Sisu & Puya - Pune-i la pamant

Sisu & Puya feat. Shoby & Cabron - Dependent

Sisu & Puya feat. Brugner & Ada - Care-i smecheria

Sisu & Puya feat. Cabron - Cand venim

Sisu & Puya feat. Ross & Monik - Revers interdit

Sisu & Puya feat. Alex - Binecuvantat

Sisu & Puya - V.I.P.




sincer.. mi`e din album imi plac urmatoarele melodii :

1)Sisu & Puya feat. C.I.A & Alex - Mai vrei

2)Sisu & Puya feat. Supered - Aici e Romania


Ia-l original si-n mod real iti creste exponential apetitu' pt fluxu' lor verbal...Nu te mint, scriind ca sa ramana scris, si-ti tai o mana cand te prind ca-l vinzi...powered by CTC[pace&respect]

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