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[VB.NET]How To Make Your Own "File Pumper"

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Ok, in this tutorial i will explain you about how to make your own file pumper. What is file pumper? If you have a file that is too small, well you can pump it with this program, so it's size will be changed as you wish.

We need some components to be added to our form.
And set the components.

NumericUpDown1 : [will be used to show how much byte will be added]
Value = 10
Minimum = 10

RadioButton1: [self explanatory]
Text = KiloByte

RadioButton2: [self explanatory]
Text = MegaByte
Checked = true

Button1: [process the pumping]
Text = PUMP !

Button2: [browse the file]
Text: ...

Now, double click on the Button2 and put this code

Dim ofd As New OpenFileDialog
ofd.Filter = "Exe Files|*.exe"
TextBox1.Text = ofd.FileName

this will show up the file dialog when users click the button2

and put this code for the button1

Dim sfd As New SaveFileDialog
sfd.Filter = "Exe Files|*.exe"
Dim filesize As Double = Val(NumericUpDown1.Value)
IO.File.Copy(TextBox1.Text, sfd.FileName)
If RadioButton1.Checked Then
filesize = filesize * 1024
End If
If RadioButton2.Checked Then
filesize = filesize * 1048576
End If
Dim filetopump = IO.File.OpenWrite(sfd.FileName)
Dim size = filetopump.Seek(0, IO.SeekOrigin.[End])
While size < filesize
size += 1
End While
MsgBox("Successfully Pumped!")

Source: http://fkn0wned.com

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