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What is DOS

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DoS (Denial of Service) is simply rendering a service incapable of responding to requests in a timely manner. This is a controversial subject, since some people think that DoS is not a hack, and/or is rather juvenile and petty. We prefer to think of them as just one more kind of tool in the toolbox, and as such, will continue to include material on them in the Hack FAQ. Ask yourself which is more alarming - the number of kids trying DoS attacks, or the number of DoS attacks that succeed?

Regardless of your feelings, DoS has been steadily gaining in popularity, whether with hackers mad at other hackers, sysadmins mad at spammers, or whatever - virtually everyone we've run into that is aware of the potential of DoS at least has software to do it, admins included.

flyppy wrote: DoS (Denial of Service) is simply rendering a service incapable of responding to requests in a timely manner. This is a controversial subject, since some people think that DoS is not a hack, and/or is rather juvenile and petty. We prefer to think of them as just one more kind of tool in the toolbox, and as such, will continue to include material on them in the Hack FAQ. Ask yourself which is more alarming - the number of kids trying DoS attacks, or the number of DoS attacks that succeed?

Regardless of your feelings, DoS has been steadily gaining in popularity, whether with hackers mad at other hackers, sysadmins mad at spammers, or whatever - virtually everyone we've run into that is aware of the potential of DoS at least has software to do it, admins included.


nu mai conteaza atata timp cat e folositor.multumesc


ma daca tot dai paste ori ce faci tu si vrei sa ajuti forumul incearca sa le si traduci in romana ca sa poata fiecare om sa-l inteleaga..de la un timp de vreme am vazut ca pe forum au inceput sa fie postate tot mai multe tutoriale in engleza ...suntem romani - vrem in ROMANA :)

HoWn3r wrote: ma daca tot dai paste ori ce faci tu si vrei sa ajuti forumul incearca sa le si traduci in romana ca sa poata fiecare om sa-l inteleaga..de la un timp de vreme am vazut ca pe forum au inceput sa fie postate tot mai multe tutoriale in engleza ...suntem romani - vrem in ROMANA :)

mnah da tu ai dreptate da pe forum is acceptate 2 limbi: ro shi en...da knu shtii en...asta ie...pan la urma ar trb sa inveti la sc ma rog...da dupa cum ai observat majoritatea membrilor stiu eng cat de cat...destul ca sa intelegi un tut...


ma nu ma refeream la mine ..makar eu stiu cat de cat acolo da din 1700 de membri mai mult de 700 nu cred ca stiu..si pana la urma nu asta ar fii problema dar dak o tinem in continuare asa cu tut in engleza o sa ajungem la un forum total in engleza si asta nu cred ca ar fii prea bine ...in fine

sony_buzi wrote: HoWn3r daca te sti la compuri trebuie sa sti si engleza...nu am acum o statistica exacta dar peste 75% din Internet este scris in engleza, so ai face bine sa inveti limba ;)

:D asha ie....poate o sa gasesc un tut d genu asta sa til dau...:D

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