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Subdomain | Tumblr

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Mi-am cumparat host si domeniu, dupa cum stiti. Am reusit sa pun site-ul in picioare. Am zis sa pun contul de tumblr pe un subdomeniu al site-ului. Zis si facut.

Am urmat instructiunile cum zice Tumblr:

First, you'll need to buy a domain. Then you'll need to follow the registrar's instructions to point the domain's A-record (IP address) to

Please note that you need to change your domain's or sub-domain's A Record, not its nameservers. And, you don't need to forward or redirect anything, you only need to change the A Record. Once you've done this, you may need to wait up to 72 hours for the change to take effect. If the domain is set up properly, you should see the Tumblr home page when you visit your domain. Almost done!

Print Screen File #1

Print Screen File #2

Print Screen File #3

Cand am accesat subdomeniul www.blog.domeniulmeu.com nu merge.

Print Screen File #4

Ce trebuie sa fac?


Edited by iulianstar
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Pai nu ai bagat la points to subdirectory, folderu unde ai index

fa iara subdomeniu, si la points bagi: /public_html , si o sa vezi ca merge


Am facut asa cum ai zis si merge pe "jumatate" Cand accesez linkul www.blog.domeniulmeu.com ma duce la pagina principala a site-ului adica home. Am introdus din nou "A Record" si tot nu merge.

Multumesc, dar tot nu am rezolvat. Ce ar trebui sa fac?

Edited by iulianstar
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