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Domain Seller Pro 1.5 Nulled

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Domain Seller Pro can be used to complement your existing website or function as a stand alone website.

Easily customizable display (uses HTML based templates)

Supports an unlimited number of categories and domain names for sale

Ability to set a "purchase now" price and minimum offer for each available domain name

Potential buyers can submit offers on your domains, and you are instantly notified by e-mail.

Counteroffer feature! Offer too low? No problem, just submit a counteroffer to the potential buyer through the automated system. Buyer is e-mailed your new price with a link to checkout.

Domain Parking is Supported! Park your domains on your Domain Seller Pro site -- Traffic through the names will automatically direct to the domain-for-sale page for that domain!

Domain for sale pages with easy URLs created for each domain

(For example, http://www.maindomain.com?domainforsale.com )

Administrative controls let you review new offers, submit counteroffers, browse history of past offers and counteroffers on each domain, view buyers, setup categories, and more...

Bulk domain import feature! Easily add all your available domain names to Domain Seller Pro within seconds.

Get fancy if you want to! Domain-for-sale pages can display logos or other images for each domain name.

Written in PHP to minimize server resources and accommodate high traffic sites.

The HTML layout and design of Domain Seller Pro can be changed in PHP-friendly web editors such as Macromedia Dreamweaver. It is packaged with automated installation scripts to simplify setup.


Admin panel: [url]http://www.domainsellerpro.com/demo/admin.php[/url]
Pass: demo

Download link


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