MaHaReT Posted December 6, 2006 Report Posted December 6, 2006 Like having a brain in your back pocket. Provides clear explanations of all C and C++ programming syntax, keywords, commands, functions, and class libraries. Since no programmer can remember the precise syntax of every C/C++ element, this quick-access guide assists programmers in implementing efficient solutions on demand.Table of contents1: Data Types, Variables, and Constants2: Functions, Scopes, Namespaces, and Headers3: Operators4: The Preprocessor and Comments5: Keyword Summary6: The Standard C I/O Functions7: The String and Character Functions8: The C Mathematical Functions9: The C++ Mathematical Functions10: Time, Date, and Localization Functions11: The Dynamic Allocation Functions12: Miscellaneous Functions13: The Wide-Character Functions14: The Old-Style C++ I/O System15: The ANSI/ISO Standard C++ I/O Classes16: The C++ Standard Template Library17: The C++ String, Exception, Complex, and Pair Classes18: Library Features Added by C9919: The .NET Managed Extensions to C++; Quote