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network security hack full

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Publisher: O'Reilly

Pub Date: November 01, 2006

Pages: 352

Chapter 1. Unix Host Security

Hack 1. Secure Mount Points

Hack 2. Scan for SUID and SGID Programs

Hack 3. Scan for World- and Group-Writable Directories

Hack 4. Create Flexible Permissions Hierarchies with POSIX ACLs

Hack 5. Protect Your Logs from Tampering

Hack 6. Delegate Administrative Roles

Hack 7. Automate Cryptographic Signature Verification

Hack 8. Check for Listening Services

Hack 9. Prevent Services from Binding to an Interface

Hack 10. Restrict Services with Sandboxed Environments

Hack 11. Use proftpd with a MySQL Authentication Source

Hack 12. Prevent Stack-Smashing Attacks

Hack 13. Lock Down Your Kernel with grsecurity

Hack 14. Restrict Applications with grsecurity

Hack 15. Restrict System Calls with systrace

Hack 16. Create systrace Policies Automatically

Hack 17. Control Login Access with PAM

Hack 18. Restrict Users to SCP and SFTP

Hack 19. Use Single-Use Passwords for Authentication

Hack 20. Restrict Shell Environments

Hack 21. Enforce User and Group Resource Limits

Hack 22. Automate System Updates

Chapter 2. Windows Host Security

Hack 23. Check Servers for Applied Patches

Hack 24. Use Group Policy to Configure Automatic Updates

Hack 25. List Open Files and Their Owning Processes

Hack 26. List Running Services and Open Ports

Hack 27. Enable Auditing

Hack 28. Enumerate Automatically Executed Programs

Hack 29. Secure Your Event Logs

Hack 30. Change Your Maximum Log File Sizes

Hack 31. Back Up and Clear the Event Logs

Hack 32. Disable Default Shares

Hack 33. Encrypt Your Temp Folder

Hack 34. Back Up EFS

Hack 35. Clear the Paging File at Shutdown

Hack 36. Check for Passwords That Never Expire

Chapter 3. Privacy and Anonymity

Hack 37. Evade Traffic Analysis

Hack 38. Tunnel SSH Through Tor

Hack 39. Encrypt Your Files Seamlessly

Hack 40. Guard Against Phishing

Hack 41. Use the Web with Fewer Passwords

Hack 42. Encrypt Your Email with Thunderbird

Hack 43. Encrypt Your Email in Mac OS X

Chapter 4. Firewalling

Hack 44. Firewall with Netfilter

Hack 45. Firewall with OpenBSD's PacketFilter

Hack 46. Protect Your Computer with the Windows Firewall

Hack 47. Close Down Open Ports and Block Protocols

Hack 48. Replace the Windows Firewall

Hack 49. Create an Authenticated Gateway

Hack 50. Keep Your Network Self-Contained

Hack 51. Test Your Firewall

Hack 52. MAC Filter with Netfilter

Hack 53. Block Tor

Chapter 5. Encrypting and Securing Services

Hack 54. Encrypt IMAP and POP with SSL

Hack 55. Use TLS-Enabled SMTP with Sendmail

Hack 56. Use TLS-Enabled SMTP with Qmail

Hack 57. Install Apache with SSL and suEXEC

Hack 58. Secure BIND

Hack 59. Set Up a Minimal and Secure DNS Server

Hack 60. Secure MySQL

Hack 61. Share Files Securely in Unix

Chapter 6. Network Security

Hack 62. Detect ARP Spoofing

Hack 63. Create a Static ARP Table

Hack 64. Protect Against SSH Brute-Force Attacks

Hack 65. Fool Remote Operating System Detection Software

Hack 66. Keep an Inventory of Your Network

Hack 67. Scan Your Network for Vulnerabilities

Hack 68. Keep Server Clocks Synchronized

Hack 69. Create Your Own Certificate Authority

Hack 70. Distribute Your CA to Clients

Hack 71. Back Up and Restore a Certificate Authority with Certificate Services

Hack 72. Detect Ethernet Sniffers Remotely

Hack 73. Help Track Attackers

Hack 74. Scan for Viruses on Your Unix Servers

Hack 75. Track Vulnerabilities

Chapter 7. Wireless Security

Hack 76. Turn Your Commodity Wireless Routers into a Sophisticated Security Platform

Hack 77. Use Fine-Grained Authentication for Your Wireless Network

Hack 78. Deploy a Captive Portal

Chapter 8. Logging

Hack 79. Run a Central Syslog Server

Hack 80. Steer Syslog

Hack 81. Integrate Windows into Your Syslog Infrastructure

Hack 82. Summarize Your Logs Automatically

Hack 83. Monitor Your Logs Automatically

Hack 84. Aggregate Logs from Remote Sites

Hack 85. Log User Activity with Process Accounting

Hack 86. Centrally Monitor the Security Posture of Your Servers

Chapter 9. Monitoring and Trending

Hack 87. Monitor Availability

Hack 88. Graph Trends

Hack 89. Get Real-Time Network Stats

Hack 90. Collect Statistics with Firewall Rules

Hack 91. Sniff the Ether Remotely

Chapter 10. Secure Tunnels

Hack 92. Set Up IPsec Under Linux

Hack 93. Set Up IPsec Under FreeBSD

Hack 94. Set Up IPsec in OpenBSD

Hack 95. Encrypt Traffic Automatically with Openswan

Hack 96. Forward and Encrypt Traffic with SSH

Hack 97. Automate Logins with SSH Client Keys

Hack 98. Use a Squid Proxy over SSH

Hack 99. Use SSH As a SOCKS Proxy

Hack 100. Encrypt and Tunnel Traffic with SSL

Hack 101. Tunnel Connections Inside HTTP

Hack 102. Tunnel with VTun and SSH

Hack 103. Generate VTun Configurations Automatically

Hack 104. Create a Cross-Platform VPN

Hack 105. Tunnel PPP

Chapter 11. Network Intrusion Detection

Hack 106. Detect Intrusions with Snort

Hack 107. Keep Track of Alerts

Hack 108. Monitor Your IDS in Real Time

Hack 109. Manage a Sensor Network

Hack 110. Write Your Own Snort Rules

Hack 111. Prevent and Contain Intrusions with Snort_inline

Hack 112. Automatically Firewall Attackers with SnortSam

Hack 113. Detect Anomalous Behavior

Hack 114. Automatically Update Snort's Rules

Hack 115. Create a Distributed Stealth Sensor Network

Hack 116. Use Snort in High-Performance Environments with Barnyard

Hack 117. Detect and Prevent Web Application Intrusions

Hack 118. Scan Network Traffic for Viruses

Hack 119. Simulate a Network of Vulnerable Hosts

Hack 120. Record Honeypot Activity

Chapter 12. Recovery and Response

Hack 121. Image Mounted Filesystems

Hack 122. Verify File Integrity and Find Compromised Files

Hack 123. Find Compromised Packages

Hack 124. Scan for Rootkits

Hack 125. Find the Owner of a Network



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