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The fake pages are used to know the victim's password. You need to let the victim sign in at any of the fake pages to know the password of a victim, which will be displayed at MSN Hack all & PRO versions. The pages of the MSN Hack are fake. It means that they do not actually log in the victim but steal the victim's data and sends it through the MSN Hack versions. The pages of the fake pages/In-logs are taken from the original pages. For example, we have made a fake page/inlog of spaces.live.com which is named here as yourlivespace.uk.tt. It means that their pages are the same.

In MSN Hack versions, there are the same URL's and fake pages but in the enhanced version of MSN Hack version, there are some codes along with the normal URL's of the fake pages.( URL means a link to a page or to a website. eg:www.messblack.com is the URL of the site 'messblack'). You need to give the victim an incentive or greed to make the victim interested to sign in at the fake pages. For example, we have made a page named: http://www.1000mbhotmail.uk.tt. It is clear from it's name. Of course, everyone wants to make his hotmail upto 1GB. So the victim gets interested and sign in at it but won't make his hotmail upto 1GB. It is up to you how you lure the victim to sign in at the fake pages.

Here is the information of MSN Hack versions disrtributed at messblack and how to hack with them:

MSN Hack ALL Edition:


It is the free version of hacking software which you can get from here. You need to be a member in order to use the MSN Hack ALL Edition. Here, you can get the URL's of the fake pages and a password screen which will display the victims e-mail address and password after the victim logs in at the fake pages. You can copy the URL's of the fake pages from the URL section in MSN Hack ALL Edition and paste them at the victims chat window, etc. to let them to login at the fake page.

Hacking with MSN Hack ALL Edition:

You need to follow the steps below to know how to hack a victim using MSN Hack ALL Edition:

- Open the MSN Hack ALL Edition and login


To know the password of the victim, use one of the four fake pages to fool your victim to login/sign in at them. Here is a short description of the fake inlogs:

* yourlivespace.uk.tt

It's page is same as at spaces.live.com.

* yourlivepasport.uk.tt

It's page is same as at login.live.com

* newwebmessenger.uk.tt

It's page is same as webmessenger.com

* 1000mbhotmail.uk.tt

It's page is same as at hotmail.com

To let the victim login at the fake inlog, you need to assure the victim that the fake pages have some specialty in them even though their pages are same as other pages. The fake page will not actually login the victim, but, it will steal the data from the victim. It will show an error while the victim tries to login and send the e-mail and password of the victim to the MSN Hack ALL Edition.

- Once the victim tries to login and complaints that it does not work, check up the MSN Hack ALL Edition password list, update it and the victim's user name and password will be displayed.


to download the software go to


and download the software for free!!!

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