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.NET Framework EncoderParameter Integer Overflow Vulnerability

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.NET Framework EncoderParameter integer overflow vulnerability


Yorick Koster, September 2011




An integer overflow vulnerability has been discovered in the

EncoderParameter class of the .NET Framework. Exploiting this

vulnerability results in an overflown integer that is used to allocate a

buffer on the heap. After the incorrect allocation, one or more

user-supplied buffers are copied in the new buffer, resulting in a

corruption of the heap.

By exploiting this vulnerability, it is possible for an application

running with Partial Trust permissions to to break from the CLR sandbox

and run arbitrary code with Full Trust permissions.


Affected versions


It has been verified that this vulnerability exists in the .NET

Framework versions 2.0, 3.0, 3.5 & 4. Earlier versions of the .NET

Framework may or may not be vulnerable as well as the affected class is

also available the .NET Framework versions 1.0 & 1.1.


See also


- MS12-025 [2]: Vulnerability in .NET Framework Could Allow Remote Code

Execution (2671605)

- KB2671605 [3] MS12-025: Vulnerabilities in the .NET Framework could

allow remote code execution: April 10, 2012

- SSD: [4] SecuriTeam Secure Disclosure program

- MS12-025 [5]: IKVM.NET Weblog




This issue was resolved with the release of MS12-025 [6]. It appears the

fix was part of a security push for System.Drawing.dll.




The EncoderParameter class (System.Drawing.Imaging.EncoderParameter [7])

is used to pass a value, or an array of values, to an image encoder

(GDI+). An image encoder can be used to translate an Image or Bitmap

object to a particular file format, for example GIF, JPEG or PNG.

EncoderParameter is implemented in the System.Drawing.dll Assembly,

which is located in the Global Assembly Cache [8] (GAC). Consequently,

the Assembly is trusted by the .NET Framework and therefore this

Assembly will run with Full Trust permissions. In addition, the Assembly

is compiled with the AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers [9] attribute, which

allows it to be called from Assemblies running with Partial Trust



Integer overflow


The EncoderParameter class contains various constructor methods. All of

these constructors allocate memory on the heap. The size of the

allocated buffer depends on the constructor's parameters. After

allocation, the values of these constructor parameters are copied into

the new buffer. For example the constructor EncoderParameter(Encoder,

Int64) accepts a 64-bit (8-byte) long value, thus 8 bytes are allocated

on the heap after which the value of the long parameter is copied into

this heap buffer. The heap buffer is freed by calling the Dispose()

method. This method is also called when the EncoderParameter object is


Some constructor methods accept one or more arrays. For these methods,

the number of allocated bytes is the size of one array member multiplied

by the number of members in the array. These methods do not check

whether the resulting integer value (used for heap allocation)

overflows. In some cases it is possible to trigger an integer overflow

resulting in the allocation of a buffer that is too small for the

supplied constructor parameters. Not all methods are exploitable as an

overly long array is required to trigger an integer overflow. The .NET

Framework limits the number of array members.

One constructor method (EncoderParameter(Encoder, Int32[], Int32[],

Int32[], Int32[])) appears to be very suitable for exploiting this

vulnerability. The implementation of this method is listed below.

public EncoderParameter(Encoder encoder,
int[] numerator1, int[] denominator1,
int[] numerator2, int[] denominator2)
this.parameterGuid = encoder.Guid;
if (numerator1.Length != denominator1.Length ||
numerator1.Length != denominator2.Length ||
denominator1.Length != denominator2.Length)
throw SafeNativeMethods.Gdip.StatusException(2);
this.parameterValueType = 8;
this.numberOfValues = numerator1.Length;
int num = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof (int));
this.parameterValue = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(this.numberOfValues * 4 *
if (this.parameterValue == IntPtr.Zero)
throw SafeNativeMethods.Gdip.StatusException(3);
for (int index = 0; index < this.numberOfValues; ++index)
4 * index * num), numerator1[index]);
(4 * index + 1) * num), denominator1[index]);
(4 * index + 2) * num), numerator2[index]);
(4 * index + 3) * num), denominator2[index]);
GC.KeepAlive((object) this);

This constructor method is interesting for two reasons. First of all,

the method accepts four integer arrays. The number of bytes that will be

allocated is the number of members in the numerator1 array multiplied

by 16 (four times the size of a 32-bit integer). Supplying an array

containing 268,435,456 integer values is enough to trigger the overflow.

Doing so results in the allocation of a 0-byte buffer. The following

proof of concept code can be used to trigger this vulnerability:

using System;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;

namespace EncoderParameterCrash
static class Crash
static void Main()
int[] largeArray = new int[0x10000000];
EncoderParameter crash = new EncoderParameter(Encoder.Quality,
largeArray, largeArray, largeArray, largeArray);

Running this code will cause the application to crash as it tries to

write beyond a heap boundary:

The program '[2696] EncoderParameterCrash.vshost.exe: Managed' has

exited with code -1073741819 (0xc0000005).

As demonstrated in the proof of concept, copying four large integer

arrays into a heap buffer causes the program to crash. The proof of

concept will try to write 4GB of data onto the heap. Since heap segments

are a lot smaller than that, copying this amount of data will fail

early in the process. This will cause Windows to terminate the program.

All constructor methods that handle two or more arrays always check if

all supplied arrays are of the same length. As such, in order to trigger

the integer overflow arrays must at least contain 268,435,456 members.

This makes exploitation of this issue difficult.

However, the listed constructor method contains a programming mistake.

When validating the length of the supplied arrays, the method fails to

check the length of the numerator2 parameter. Instead it checks

numerator1 twice. The correct check should be numerator2.Length !=

denominator2.Length instead of numerator1.Length != denominator2.Length.

This is the second reason why this method is interesting - from an

attacker's point of view. Due to the missing check, it is possible

to use the numerator2 parameter to control how much data is copied into

the heap buffer. Supplying a small(er) array as numerator2 parameter

will cause an IndexOutOfRangeException exception to be thrown;

prematurely ending the while loop. Since the exception is thrown by the

.NET Framework, this exception can be handled by the application thus

preventing the application from crashing.

Both ingredients provide for an exploitable heap corruption as attackers

control how much data is allocated on the heap and also how much data

is copied into the allocated buffer. It was possible to successfully

exploit this issue on the following Windows versions:

- Windows XP Professional SP3 32-bit (with 4GB RAM)

- Windows Vista Home Premium SP2 32-bit

- Windows Vista Business SP2 32-bit and 64-bit

- Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 64-bit

- Windows 7 Professional SP1 64-bit

- Windows 7 Enterprise SP1 32-bit and 64-bit

By exploiting this vulnerability, it is possible for an application

running with Partial Trust permissions to to break from the CLR sandbox

[10] (CAS) and run arbitrary code with Full Trust permissions. Examples

of Partial Trusted applications include, ClickOnce, XAML Browser

Applications (XBAP), ASP.NET (eg, shared hosting) & SilverLight. It

must be noted that the affected class is not available for SilverLight





As noted above, this issue cannot be exploited using a SilverLight


With the release of MS11-044 [11], Microsoft changed the way ClickOnce

& XBAP applications are started. In particular, whenever such an

application is started from the Internet security zone, a dialog is

always shown even if the application does not request elevated

permissions. Previously the application would just start. See also:

Changes coming to ClickOnce applications running in the Internet Zone - .NET Blog - Site Home - MSDN Blogs

(It is possible to display a green icon in the dialog by code signing

the manifests. When the manifests aren't signed, a red icon is


The dialog is not shown for applications launched from the intranet

security zone. In this case the application will start immediately - as

long as it does not request elevated permissions. The intranet zone is

only available when it has been enabled on the target system. This is

common for corporate networks, but less common for home users.

Finally, with the release of Internet Explorer 9 Microsoft chose to

disable XBAP applications in the Internet security zone. See also:

IE9 - XBAPs Disabled in the Internet Zone - EricLaw's IEInternals - Site Home - MSDN Blogs


Windows XP


A special note must be made for Windows XP. It seems that Windows XP is

a bit picky when handling large arrays. In a lot of cases,

OutOfMemoryException exceptions will be thrown when trying to exploit

this issue. Successful exploitation has been achieved on a 32-bit

Windows XP system with 4GB of RAM.




[1] .NET Framework EncoderParameter integer overflow vulnerability - Security advisories - Akita Software Security

[2] Microsoft Security Bulletin MS12-025 - Critical : Vulnerability in .NET Framework Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2671605)

[3] MS12-025: Vulnerabilities in the .NET Framework could allow remote code execution: April 10, 2012

[4] SecuriTeam Secure Disclosure


IKVM.NET Weblog - MS12-025

[6] Microsoft Security Bulletin MS12-025 - Critical : Vulnerability in .NET Framework Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2671605)


EncoderParameter Class (System.Drawing.Imaging)

[8] Global Assembly Cache


AllowPartiallyTrustedCallersAttribute Class (System.Security)

[10] Exploring the .NET Framework 4 Security Model

[11] Microsoft Security Bulletin MS11-044 - Critical : Vulnerability in .NET Framework Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2538814)




Akita Software Security (Kvk 37144957)

Akita Software Security


Key fingerprint = 5FC0 F50C 8B3A 4A61 7A1F 2BFF 5482 D26E D890 5A65


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