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Mandriva: 2012:104: openjpeg

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Problem Description:

Multiple vulnerabilities has been discovered and corrected in openjpeg:

OpenJPEG allocated insufficient memory when encoding JPEG 2000 files
from input images that have certain color depths. A remote attacker
could provide a specially-crafted image file that, when opened in an
application linked against OpenJPEG (such as image_to_j2k), would cause
the application to crash or, potentially, execute arbitrary code with
the privileges of the user running the application (CVE-2009-5030).

An input validation flaw, leading to a heap-based buffer overflow,
was found in the way OpenJPEG handled the tile number and size in an
image tile header. A remote attacker could provide a specially-crafted
image file that, when decoded using an application linked against
OpenJPEG, would cause the application to crash or, potentially,
execute arbitrary code with the privileges of the user running the
application (CVE-2012-3358).

The updated packages have been patched to correct these issues.

Sursa: Mandriva: 2012:104: openjpeg - The Community's Center for Security

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