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Simple RFI-Scanner 1.0 [C]

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RFI Scanner By DiGitalX (DiGi7alX@Gmail.com)
Date: 6/4/2007 -- MicroSystem Team

#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>

//#define _DEBUG //debug mode (for me )
#define DEBUG_ROOT "output"

//put the vuln functions here
//functions that if a var is in its arguments then possible RFI occurs
//IMPORTANT: keep this order
char* vuln[] = {
"include_once", "include", "require_once", "require", NULL

BOOL bShortDis = FALSE;

void usage(char* app)
printf("usage: [-s] %s <root-directory>\n", app);
printf("\t-s\tshort display mode\n");

void banner(void)
printf("RFI Scanner By DiGitalX (DiGi7alX@Gmail.com)\n");
printf("Date: 6/4/2007 -- MicroSystem Team\n\n");

//return: FALSE if EOF reached, TRUE otherwise
BOOL freadline(FILE* f, char* line, int size)
int b, i = 0;

//zero line
memset(line, 0, size);

do {
//read one byte
b = fgetc(f);
//check if EOF
if (b == EOF) return FALSE;
//check if newline cha reached or line is full
if ((b == '\n') || (i == 1023)) return TRUE;
*line++ = b; //fill line
i++; //increment counter
} while (1);

return 1; /* unreachable code */

BOOL php_scanfile(char* file)
char line[1024], line2[1024];
int linenum = 0;
BOOL notend;
char* tmp, *tmp2, *x;

//open file
FILE* f = fopen(file, "rb");
if (f == NULL)
return FALSE;

do {
//opened, then read line by line
notend = freadline(f, line, sizeof(line));

//lower the line
strcpy(line2, line);

for (int i = 0; vuln[i] != NULL; i++) {
//now line contains one line of code, search for RFI functions
//include, include_once, require, require_once
tmp = strstr(line2, vuln[i]);
if (tmp != NULL) {
//line contains vuln function maybe RFI.
//check if function
tmp += strlen(vuln[i]); //skip function name
while (*tmp != '(') {
//check if end of line reached or someother char (not whitespace means not function)
if (*tmp == '\0') goto next; //then goto next vuln function
//check if there's crap between vuln function and the first '(' reached
//if so then it's not a vuln function maybe comment or var or string or something else
if ((*tmp != ' ') && (*tmp != '\t')) goto next; //just dun bother and goto next vuln function
tmp++; //keep incrementing tmp until catching '(' [opening parentheses of the vuln function]
//check for var inside this function
tmp2 = tmp; //set tmp2 at begin of include function
while (*tmp2 != ')') {
tmp2++; //keep incrementing tmp2 until catching ')' [closing parentheses of the include function]
//check if end of line reached
if (*tmp2 == '\0') goto next; //then goto next vuln function
x = tmp; //set x at begin of include function
while ((*x != '$') && (x < tmp2)) x++; //keep incrementing x until catching a var inside include functino or include function closing parentheses
//check which condition just holded
if (*x == '$') {
//BINGO, possible RFI cought
printf("possible RFI at line: %u", linenum);
//if bShortDis then provide filename
if (bShortDis) printf(" in \"%s\"\n", file);
else printf("\n"); //otherwise just newline
break; //break off the for loop

if (!notend) break; //NOT not end == end
} while (1);

return TRUE;

void php_search(void) {
char lpBuffer[320];
char *lpFilePart;

fh = FindFirstFile("*.*",&wfd);
do {
// skip '.' and '..' dirs
if (wfd.cFileName[0] == '.') continue;
// if dir enter it
if (wfd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) {
if (SetCurrentDirectory(wfd.cFileName) == TRUE) {
php_search(); // recursive call
// otherwise carry on our process
if (GetFullPathName(wfd.cFileName,320,lpBuffer,&lpFilePart) == 0) continue;
// checking if the extension of the file is php
if (memcmp(&lpBuffer[lstrlen(lpBuffer)-3],"php",3) == 0) {
//skip if bShortDis is set
if (!bShortDis) printf("Scanning %s...\n", lpBuffer);
} while (FindNextFile(fh,&wfd) == TRUE);
FindClose(fh); // closing find handle

BOOL begin_rfi_scan(char* root)
//first set the root dir as current dir
if (!SetCurrentDirectory(root))
return FALSE;

//begin the hunting for php files
printf("Beginning Hunting RFI Vulnerabilities...\n");
//if -s is given then inform user that mode is activated
if (bShortDis) printf("Short Display Mode Activated\n");
printf("Finished of Hunting.\n");

return TRUE;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
int pos = 1; //root position in cmd line

//show banner

#ifndef _DEBUG
//check if root dir is given in the cmd line
if (argc < 2) {
//show usage screen and exit
return 1;

//-s switch is specified
if (strcmp(argv[1], "-s") == 0) {
bShortDis = TRUE; //set flag
pos = 2; //change root position in cmd line

//root dir is given good, then scan all the files inside this root directory
#ifndef _DEBUG
if (!begin_rfi_scan(argv[pos])) {
if (!begin_rfi_scan(DEBUG_ROOT)) {
printf("Error: initializing RFI Scanner... Try Again");
return 1;

return 0;

It's a simple RFI-Scanner that scans .php files for possible vulnerable functions such as include(), require() ... etc

and then check if there's a variable in the arguments of the function..

if so then it prints out the result for you to check if it is really an RFI/LFI

* note:

you can put alot of php scripts inside a folder and lauch this scanner against it.

the scanner will recursively scan the whole root dir. (provided in cmd line)

and provide you with each (possible) buggy function and the script name/line.

thx to: DiGitalX

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