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Metasploit payload Debian (.deb) package trojan Generator Script

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This bash script is to generate a Debian (.deb) package trojan using Metasploit payload developed by Aaron Hine. Metasploit Payload is to send a request back to the BackTrack server running a Metasploit listener. This video demonstrates the script:

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There is Another Script developed by Travis Phillips to create msfpayload & msfencode metasploit payload trojans. The following script coded to simplify the ease of use for using msfpayload and msfencode to create a windows based trojan and set up the listener.

The script will do the following:

? Determine your IP address automatically for the LHOST of the payload.

? Ask if you want a shell or meterpreter

? Ask if you want it reverse connection or Bind port TCP

? Request the Port number.

? at that point it will create two files

? trojan.exe - your virus payload

? msf_Trojan_Listener - a file with a one liner to create the metasploit listener that works with your payload.

? Next it will start msfcli to create a listener.

Download Script - 2


Metasploit payload Debian (.deb) package trojan Generator Script | Tools Yard - The Hacker News

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