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Ad Manager Pro v. 4 LFI

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Ad Manager Pro v. 4

Author: Corrado Liotta Aka CorryL [corryl80[a]gmail.com]


-=[+] Application: Ad Manager Pro
-=[+] Version: 4
-=[+] Vendor's URL: http://www.phpwebscripts.com/ad-manager-pro/
-=[+] Platform: Windows\Linux\Unix
-=[+] Bug type: LFI
-=[+] Author: Corrado Liotta Aka CorryL ~ corryl80[at]gmail[dot]com ~
-=[+] Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CorryL
-=[+] Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/CorradoLiotta
-=[+] Linkedin: http://it.linkedin.com/pub/corrado-liotta/21/1a8/611
-=[+] WebSite: http://corryl80.blogspot.com/

...::[ Descriprion ]::..

Ad Manager Pro is the most complete ad management solution available.

You can use it to manage ads on your site(s), you also can sell

clicks, impressions and/or days range to advertisers and purchase

clicks and/or impressions from publishers. Features of this quality

system may bring you an interesting income.

You and your users have a real-time statistic for each ad (hourly,

daily, monthly statistic), also a graphical statistic is available.

Advertisers and publishers can order daily email reports. Each ad may

be used in multiple campaigns, each campaign has its own statistic and


Support for classic banners (gif, jpg, png, swf), plain text/html ads,

ads from templates (Google AdWords style). You can display ads on

pages or in popup consoles. There are many ways to show ads on pages -

javascript, iframe, php include command. It lets you place the ads to

any webpage.

Option to load a new ad after a given number of seconds. Ads can be

targeted by countries,days,hours.

...::[ Bug ]::..

Local File Inclusion (also known as LFI) is the process of including

files on a server through the web browser.

This vulnerability occurs when a page include is not properly

sanitized, and allows directory traversal characters to be injected.

...::[ Proof Of Concept ]::..


..::[ Disclousure Timeline ]::..

[23/08/2012] - Public Disclousure


Corrado Liotta A.k.a (CorryL)
Admin x0n3-h4ck Italian Security Team
Email: corryl80@gmail.com
Slype: corrado_liotta
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/home.php/CorryL
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/CorradoLiotta
Linkedin: http://it.linkedin.com/pub/corrado-liotta/21/1a8/611
WebSite: http://corryl80.blogspot.com/


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