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Token Manage

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The Token Manager allows web developers to program PHP, HTML, CSS and JavaScript into tokens that can be used throughout WordPress. Tokens can be placed into themes, templates, pages, widgets, etc. The code in the token is processed and then injected into the token name. It allows web developers to package their code into components for easy reuse and maintenance while speeding up development time and distribution. The tokens are also aware of WordPress and can utilize all the common libraries and database from within the token. This allows for unlimited possibilities with web page design, third party api, WordPress api, PHP frameworks, web 2.0, other WordPress plugins, etc. The tokens can even be used within other tokens for replacement of text, making HTML, CSS, JS, fully dynamic.


The Token Manager has been built to work with WordPress MultiSite as well as single blog installations. By activating it on the network, it will add the capabilities to control tokens across WordPress sites and blogs. It will also store all tokens in custom tables that are not attached to WordPress, allowing for easy upgrades, backup and version changes.


WordPress Standard Installation

1. Upload the contents of 'token-manager' to '/wp-content/plugins/token-manager' within your WordPress.

2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in the WordPress Admin

3. Visit the Token Manager Settings Page and turn on the features you desire.

4. Add some token types in the manager.

5. Add some tokens in the manager.

6. Assign the token to a WordPress page.

7. Put {your_token_name} in the assigned page, template, widget, theme, etc.

8. Visit the page to see the token replacement.

WordPress MultiSite Installation

1. Upload the contents of 'token-manager' to '/wp-content/plugins/token-manager' within your WordPress.

2. Network activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in the WordPress Network Admin.

3. Visit a desired network site or blog dashboard.

4. Visit the Token Manager Settings Page and turn on the features you desire.

5. Add some token types in the manager.

6. Add some tokens in the manager.

7. Assign the token to a WordPress page.

8. Put {your_token_name} in the assigned page, template, widget, theme, etc.

9. Visit the page to see the token replacement.

Token Management

The management of tokens is very simple, with built in ajax controls to allow assignment of tokens to individual and all pages. It also separates out frontpage assignment, giving you the freedom to control exactly what is seen on the frontpage. The manager also keeps track of who created and last updated the tokens in WordPress.

Token Parameters

The Token Manager now supports token parameters. You can specify a string or integer parameter by adding them behind the token name. You can then access the parameter from within the token code, allowing for unlimited code possibilities.

Error Handling

PHP and token errors are handled by the Token Manager and can be displayed by turning on custom settings in the manager. This gives developers the full control to know where errors are occurring within their token code. The error setting can also be turned off for live sites. This protects you from displaying error information on public sites. All errors that occur in the tokens, unless fatal, will not stop the webpage from being displayed. So feel free to code your ideas without worring about errors halting WordPress.

How to use the Token Manager plugin for Wordpress


In my last article I introduced a plugin called Token Manager. It is a Wordpress plugin designed to manage HTML, PHP, CSS and JavaScript as tokens that are extremely modular and easy to use. It allows you to package your code into reusable versioned components that can be used in themes, pages, posts, comments, widgets by token name and or parameter. This separation allows you to keep your code clean and access the Wordpress Api, without having to create spaghetti code that is hard to maintain.

Below, I will discuss how to create a workable token, assign it to a Wordpress page and order it for processing. I will also teach you about the general and hidden features of the plugin that you may or may not be familiar with.

If you need instructions for installing the Token Manager, please visit the previous article for a detailed description. For an easy fast installation you can download it through the Wordpress plugin manager and activate it in a matter of seconds.

Creating Token Types

Now that you have a brief understanding of plugin's purpose, lets now introduce some code and create our first simple token. Before creating your first token, make sure you create your token types. Visit the 'Add New Type' page and create some types.

What are token types?

Token types are categories for separating your tokens and making it easier to understand the token's purpose. This can be named anything you desire, so feel free to be creative. Some examples of token types.

i.e page, component, control, text, module, widget, third party, test, data, feed, service, etc.

Once you have created your token types, they will appear under the 'Token Types' page, where you can manage them. They will also appear in a dropdown for assigning, when adding a new token.


Creating your First Token

Now lets visit the 'Add New Token' page. Start off by giving your token a name. Keep your token names simple and easy to remember. Assign the token type from the dropdown list you created previously under the token types. I have included a description box, that allows you to describe the purpose of the token for the hover help menus. This is a great feature for team development and gives other developers fast insight on your code. The final thing to do is add some actual code to the token value. The 'Token Value' has four tabs; HTML, PHP, CSS and JS. PHP can be used inline in HTML, CSS and JS too! It will be processed and injected into the tab at runtime. If you would like to use PHP in a tab, simply add <?php //Your Code ?>, except for the actual 'PHP Tab', where it is not required. This allows the code to be more dynamic. I will show you examples of this later in the article.

For now, lets create a simple copyright token.

Token Name: copyright

Token Type: text

Token Description: Creates a dynamic copyright span element for a Wordpress webpage.

Token Value

<span id="copyright" onclick="copyright_onclick();">
Copyright © 1999 -
<?php echo display_current_year(); ?>
YourWebsite, All Rights Reserved.

function display_current_year()
return date('Y');

color: blue;
font-size: 12px;

function copyright_onclick()
alert('The copyright was clicked!');

Once complete, click the 'Add Token' button. Your token will be added to the 'Tokens' page for managing.


Notice the different tool icons on this page for managing the token. Starting from left to right.

Up and Down Arrows - For processing the token in a specific order with other tokens.

Edit Token - Allows you to edit the token and create an updated version.

Description - Shows a description of the token when hovered.

Statistics - Shows stats of the token when hovered.

Author - Shows the Wordpress author that created the token.

Token Page Assignment - Allows you to assign the token to be added to a specific Wordpress page or pages.

Token ID - The unique id for the token.

Token Name - The unique name for the token. Notice the brackets around your token '{copyright}'.

Token Type - The token type for the token.

Version History - Allows you to see what version the token is on when hovered.

Delete Token - Allows you to delete the token from the manager.

Assigning a Token to a Wordpress Page

In order for our new token to be displayed on our webpage, we must assign it with the token page assignment tool. On the 'Tokens' page, click on the icon that looks like pages. A popup box will appear. Type in a Wordpress page name or id to search for, then click the search button. Once a page is found, assign it by clicking on it, then click the arrow button to move it to the attached pages.

There are also two hidden page assignments in the search:

Frontpage - Assigns the token to be added on the frontpage.

All Pages - Assigns the token to be added to all pages. Be careful using this assignment, resource intensive, when creating many tokens.

Since our 'copyright' token will most likely be displayed on every page, lets assign it to 'All Pages'. The last and final thing, to get our token to display, add '{copyright}' to our page using the Wordpress page editor or add it to the Wordpress theme files. The text will be replaced at runtime with the processed token value on the assigned page.

Navigate to the actual page and it should display. It will show a blue 12px copyright message with dynamic current year and an onclick JavaScript message, if you click on the span. Congrats you have created your first token!

Token Process Order

In this section I will describe the processing order for tokens with the plugin. Tokens are processed in the order you specify on the 'Tokens' page. By using the up and down arrows you can change the processing order of the tokens. The token process order is lowest to highest in that order. This allows you to use token names in other tokens for replacement of things like paths for links, controls, toolbars, widgets, etc. Each individual token is processed on it's own. This allows the token to pass in different parameters and get different results. If the parameters are the same, the token will be cached and replaced with code that was previously processed. Tokens are processed in the following order.

Page Initialize

Wordpress Initialize

Global Tokens Initialized

Token Manager Page Buffering Initialized

Wordpress Third Party Plugins Initialized

Token Parameters Initialized

Sort Tokens By Process ID ASC

Token Parameters Injected

Token Value PHP, HTML, CSS and JS Initialized

Tokens Cached in Key Array

Token Replace on Buffered Data

Global Token Replace on Buffered Data

Output Wordpress Page

Globals Tokens

There are a few global tokens built into the Token Manager automatically. They are mostly used for paths, filenames, urls, etc. Globals usually begin with 'REQUEST_'. A list of globals are below with descriptions of what they contain.

REQUEST_HASERRORS - A boolean value of whether the tokens had errors processing.

REQUEST_HOST - The URL host for the domain.

REQUEST_SCHEME - The scheme for the URL, HTTP or HTTPS.

REQUEST_SITEURL - The scheme and host combined for an accurate URL.

REQUEST_FULLURL - The full URL without anything parsed.

REQUEST_QUERY - The querystring for the URL.

REQUEST_URLPATH - The directory or file path for the URL.

REQUEST_FULLFILENAME - The URL filename and filext combined.


REQUEST_FILEXT - The URL file extension.

REQUEST_TEMPLATESPATH - The Wordpress templates absolute file path.

REQUEST_TEMPLATESURL - The Wordpress templates relative URL path.

REQUEST_SITEID - The Wordpress multi-site id.

REQUEST_BLOGID - The Wordpress multi-site blog id.

REQUEST_PAGEID - The Wordpress page id.

REQUEST_ISFRONTPAGE - A boolean value of whether the page is the homepage.

Token Parameters

Optionally, tokens can pass parameters from page to token value for dynamic processing. The format to pass a parameter is fairly simple. {tokenname,"param1",param2}. The token supports string and integer parameters. The parameter can be accessed in the token value through PHP by $GLOBALS["ARGS"][0]. Change the index id to access the other specified parameters.

Accessing Wordpress API

In this section, I will show you how to access the Wordpress API from your PHP token value, to make something worth wild. Lets start by creating a new token.

Token Name: randomlatestposts

Token Type: control

Token Description: Grabs latest post ids and adds them to an array, then shuffles the ids and pulls in a random specified amount. Two parameters, listsize and returnlimit.

Token Value:

<?php echo $randomlatestposts->get($GLOBALS["ARGS"][0], $GLOBALS["ARGS"][1]); ?> 

class randomlatestposts
public function get($_listsize, $_returnlimit)
global $wpdb;

$posts = "SELECT id from $wpdb->posts " .
"WHERE post_type='post' AND post_status='publish' " .
"ORDER BY post_date DESC LIMIT $_listsize";
$postarray = array();
$postresult = mysql_query($posts) or die(mysql_error());

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($postresult)) { $postarray[] = $row[0]; }

array_splice($postarray, $_returnlimit);

$ids = implode(',', $postarray);

$args = array(
'showposts'=> $_returnlimit,
'post__in' => explode(',', $ids),
'orderby' => 'rand');


$html = '';
while (have_posts())
$html .= '<li style="margin-bottom: 5px;">' .
'<a href="' . get_permalink() . '" rel="bookmark">' .
get_the_title() . '</a></li>';

return '<ol>' . $html . '</ol>';

$randomlatestposts = new randomlatestposts();


Token History, Versioning, Backup and Restore

I have integrated a scrum process for managing versions with the Tokens. It is only available in the professional version of the Token Manager. Although, the standard free version does contain pieces of the code to keep your code safe from overwrite. Each time you update a token, the full token will be moved into a separate table and the version will be increased. If you would like to access the token versions you will need to do it directly from the database in the standard version.

Download it : http://www.2shared.com/file/n8hAb3YV/token-manager103.html


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