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Few days ago, the website Microsoft IEAK was victim of a defacement. The website promotes the “Internet Explorer Administration Kit”, a toolkit that allows to “deploy and manage Web-based solutions,” and to “learn how to tailor a custom browser to meet customers' needs,” the website says.

The attacker is known by the handle Cyber-Attacker (cyb3rt), he is from Saudi Arabia, and he is not new to such activities. He is the one who carried out to a XSS attack against one of Zone-H staff members, stole his administrator password and by this mean defaced Zone-h English website.

As reported by the attacker, the page contains a SQL Injection flaw in the Login field, by which he got to execute arbitrary sql commands and inject the html content that altered the page of Microsoft IEAK web site....

Flaws of SQL Injection are in general as common as ' OR ' =', and thanks to the improvements in technology and in web coders’ skills, cyber attackers could learn lots of things on SQL , and subsequently they perfected their ability to provoke headaches to web admins…

Image of the defacement to http://ieak.microsoft.com

Many people think that such attacks can be led just for pages based on ASP, and for log-in forms. Actually, this kind of attack can be carried out against any page/source type, be it ASP, HTML, PHP or CFM: the only difference is the method. Whenever there is a mistake in SQL queries, there could be an exploitable flaw for cyber criminals.

The only solution for admins is to work hard in collaboration with coders, revising the source code to patch any visible mistake that could generate problems in the future.

But since the possibility to perform a “complete revision” of the source code is infrequent, due to a huge amount of web pages source code to revise, another solution is needed: for instance, the adoption of modules for Apache as mod_security and of .ht access to restrict the execution of SQL strings into URL and activating magic_quotes in the PHP configuration.

In Windows Servers, administrators can use filters directly on their we pages. Such filters can check users input and help, this way, administrators to prevent digital attacks.

One prevention-method used by these filters, is based on disabling of warnings messages, because the apparition of similar warnings are a sort of signal that helps the attacker to get to the website’s database or to the table/column where he is going to make the attack.

aici e articolul original:


si aici un mirror al deface-ului:


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Arabii astia . Ne-au luat-o in fata .

Totusi . Buna ideea cu Gates .

Pe hackerii si script kizii arabi ii consider cel putin nebuni si dilii, pentru ca din cate stiu au niste legi foarte aspre in ceea ce priveste criminalitatea informatica. Acuma nu stiu daca este adevarat, dar am auzit ca in Arabia Saudita se poate ajunge pana la taierea mainii pentru astfel de activitati. Site-uri precum milw0rm si altele de acelasi gen is filtrate si banate. In privinta blocarii accesului si cenzurii arabii se pot compara cu chinezii, care prin asa zisul lor GREAT CHINA FIREWALL, impun o cenzura si mai mare.

Oricum....cred ca romanii inca mai sunt superiori arabilor in ceea ce priveste informatica.

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Arabii astia . Ne-au luat-o in fata .

Totusi . Buna ideea cu Gates .

Pe hackerii si script kizii arabi ii consider cel putin nebuni si dilii, pentru ca din cate stiu au niste legi foarte aspre in ceea ce priveste criminalitatea informatica. Acuma nu stiu daca este adevarat, dar am auzit ca in Arabia Saudita se poate ajunge pana la taierea mainii pentru astfel de activitati. Site-uri precum milw0rm si altele de acelasi gen is filtrate si banate. In privinta blocarii accesului si cenzurii arabii se pot compara cu chinezii, care prin asa zisul lor GREAT CHINA FIREWALL, impun o cenzura si mai mare.

Oricum....cred ca romanii inca mai sunt superiori arabilor in ceea ce priveste informatica.

Nu stiam ca in Arabia Saudita este legea aspra, nu stiam nici ca este legea in tara asta. :roll:

Stii daca in Turcia este legea informatica? :?:

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Ii crezi asa de inapoiati pe arabi? Sa nu uitam de cifrele arabe....in evul mediu: de al-gebr de la care provine cuvantul algebra...de medicii arabi...savantii si poetii...din cate stiu europenii au vazut prima oara praful de pusca in tinuturile cucerite de cruciati...iar exemplele pot continua.

Iar in prezent sa stii ca cei din Arabia Saudita, Emiratele Arabe Unite, Kuweit, Qatar, Bahrein etc probabil au un nivel de trai mai inalt decat avem noi acuma. Fostul meu profesor de geografie spunea ca acolo ziarele nu costa nimic...se dau gratuit...deci da-ti seama...Si fiind musulmani au legi mult mai aspre decat occidentul (femeile trebuie sa poarte chestiile alea pe cap, inainte furtul se pedepsea cu taierea mainii, pedeapsa cu moartea inca nu o fost abolita, la ora 12 atunci cand muezinul, preotul lor, se roaga din minaretele acelea, trebuie sa incetezi orice activitate si sa te rogi si tu.....etc)

Nu stiu legislatia din Turcia, dar stiu ca acolo conexiunea la internet este in plina dezvoltare si este la inceput de drum. Daca e sa fac o comparatie, as compara situatia lor cu cea a Romaniei de acu mai multi ani de zile, in care nu existau legi in domeniul criminalitatii informatice, iar romanasii faceau tot ce vroiau ei pe Internet fara frica. Sper ca defacerii turci sa se potoleasca dupa ce or sa scada vulnerabilitatile rfi, prin ultimele masuri de siguranta luate de team-ul php si de catre Stefan Esser.

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