Praetorian503 Posted December 31, 2012 Report Posted December 31, 2012 33 new themes for WordPress that are made by RocketTheme suffer from cross site scripting, path disclosure, and content spoofing vulnerabilities.Hello list!Earlier I've wrote to the list about multiple vulnerabilities in multiple themes for WordPress ( In that later I've mentioned 16 themes by RocketTheme (with Rokbox): Afterburner, Refraction, Solarsentinel, Mixxmag, Iridium, Infuse, Perihelion, Replicant2, Affinity, Nexus, Sentinel, Mynxx Vestnikp, Mynxx, Moxy, Terrantribune, Meridian.I've wrote about 14 themes + 2 variations of 2 themes by these developers, but they have 47 themes for WordPress in total. Among them only three are free, and all other themes from RocketTheme are paid ones (it's needed to buy subscription to the club to receive access to them). And Rokbox is bundled with all these themes, except Grunge, which have all earlier-mentioned vulnerabilities.So I inform you about multiple vulnerabilities in 33 new themes for WordPress, which are developed by RocketTheme (Rokbox's developers). These are Content Spoofing, Cross-Site Scripting, Full path disclosure and Information Leakage vulnerabilities.-------------------------Affected products:-------------------------In these 32 themes (in addition to previous 16) there are Cross-Site Scripting, Content Spoofing, Full path disclosure and Information Leakage vulnerabilities. And Grunge theme has FPD holes.These are the next themes by RocketTheme: Voxel, Diametric, Ionosphere, Clarion, Halcyon, Visage, Enigma, Momentum, Radiance, Camber, Reflex, Modulus, Nebulae, Entropy, Tachyon, Mercado, Maelstrom, Syndicate, Paradox, Hybrid, Omnicron, Zephyr, Panacea, Somaxiom, Juxta, Quantive, Crystalline, Kinetic, Dominion, Reaction, Akiraka, Novus and Grunge.Affected all versions of these themes for WordPress.Since August I've informed the developers many times concerning vulnerabilities in Rokbox and their themes with it.----------Details:----------Content Spoofing (WASC-12):In parameter file there can be set as video, as audio files.Swf-file of JW Player accepts arbitrary addresses in parameters file and image, which allows to spoof content of flash - i.e. by setting addresses of video (audio) and/or image files from other site.http://site/wordpress/wp-content/themes/rt_novus_wp/js/rokbox/jwplayer/jwplayer.swf?file=1.flv&backcolor=0xFFFFFF&screencolor=0xFFFFFFhttp://site/wordpress/wp-content/themes/rt_novus_wp/js/rokbox/jwplayer/jwplayer.swf?file=1.flv?=1.jpgContent Spoofing (WASC-12):Swf-file of JW Player accepts arbitrary addresses in parameter config, which allows to spoof content of flash - i.e. by setting address of config file from other site (parameters file and image in xml-file accept arbitrary addresses). For loading of config file from other site it needs to have crossdomain.xml.http://site/wordpress/wp-content/themes/rt_novus_wp/js/rokbox/jwplayer/jwplayer.swf?config=1.xml1.xml<config> <file>1.flv</file> <image>1.jpg</image></config>Content Spoofing (WASC-12):http://site/wordpress/wp-content/themes/rt_novus_wp/js/rokbox/jwplayer/jwplayer.swf?abouttext=Player&aboutlink=http://siteXSS (WASC-08):http://site/wordpress/wp-content/themes/rt_novus_wp/js/rokbox/jwplayer/jwplayer.swf?abouttext=Player&aboutlink=data:text/html;base64,PHNjcmlwdD5hbGVydChkb2N1bWVudC5jb29raWUpPC9zY3JpcHQ%2BFull path disclosure (WASC-13):In all these themes there is FPD in index.php (http://site/wordpress/wp-content/themes/rt_novus_wp/ and the same for other themes), which works at default PHP settings. Also potentially there are FPD in other php-files of these themes.Information Leakage (WASC-13):In some themes, similar to rt_mixxmag_wp, there can be error log with full paths.http://site/wordpress/wp-content/themes/rt_mixxmag_wp/js/rokbox/error_logBest wishes & regards,MustLiveAdministrator of Websecurity web site Source: PacketStorm Quote