Gonzalez Posted March 12, 2013 Report Posted March 12, 2013 # Exploit Title: [Google Chrome Silent HTTP Authentication]# Date: [2-5-2013]# Exploit Author: [T355]# Vendor Homepage: [http://www.google.com/chrome]# Version: [24.0.1312.57]# Tested on: [Tested on: Windows 7 & Mac OSX Mountain Lion]# CVE : [n/a]VULNERABILITY DETAILSThe latest version of Google Chrome (Tested on Version 24.0.1312.57)fails to properly recognize HTTP Basic Authentication when injected invarious HTML tags. As a result of this behavior Chrome will not alertthe user when HTTP Basic Authentication is taking place or whencredentials are rejected. This behavior is particularly concerningwith respect to small office and home routers. Such devices are easilybrute forced using this method. Many of these devices have the defaultpassword enabled which brings me to part II of this bug. Silent HTTPAuthentication allows the attacker to log into the router and changesettings with no alerts and or warnings issued by Chrome. The endresult allows an attacker to brute force the router login, connect tothe router, enable remote administration and of course control allinformation on the entire network via DNS attacks etc.REPRODUCTION CASEI have attached the following files:sploit.txt - Indicates the buggy code.jquery.js - Used for real world scenario but not needed for bug.brute.js - Real world attack scenario for this bug.index.html - HTML Attack Pageattack.php - Payload file for Linksys Routers.VERSIONChrome Version: [24.0.1312.57]Operating System: [Tested on: Windows 7 & Mac OSX Mountain Lion]CREDITT355IMPACTThe impact for this bug is enormous. Tens of millions of home routerscan easily be completely compromised. Distributed brute force attackscan be performed on any HTTP Authentication portal.RECOMMENDATIONSReference how Firefox and Safari handle the attached code.PoC: http://www.exploit-db.com/sploits/24486.tar.gz Quote