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Nintendo Sues Console Hacking Website

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SAN FRANCISCO - Nintendo said Wednesday that it has filed a lawsuit against a US website with a business model built on hacking into the company's videogame hardware.

Nintendo is suing HackYourConsole.com in federal court in the operation's home state of Florida.

"The site blatantly promotes and sells unauthorized Nintendo games along with devices and services that circumvent the security in the Nintendo DS system and the Wii console," the Japanese videogame giant said in a release.

"The operator of HackYourConsole.com has developed a global business focused on selling unauthorized copies of Nintendo games and game-copying devices used to circumvent the technological protection measures contained in the Nintendo DS family of hand-held systems."

Nintendo of America described the lawsuit as part of a fight against videogame piracy.

"Piracy on the Nintendo DS system has a huge impact on games sales," said Jools Watsham, co-founder of Texas-based game studio Renegade Kid.

"It can affect everyone involved, including the many honest players out there."

HackYourConsole.com told AFP that they had no comment regarding the lawsuit.

Sursa Securityweek.com

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