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How to remove Win32.Saburex.a and Win32.Warezov.gl

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How to remove Win32.Saburex.a and Win32.Warezov.gl from your computer

A friend of mine got 2 superb viruses just yesterday, how he managed to catch them in the same day i don’t know :lol: , but I got the solution. OK, let’s start:


How to remove Win32.Saburex.a from your computer:

1. Restart in Safe mode (Hit F8 when Windows starts)

2. Delete the following file:


3. Open Start -> Run -> regedit.exe (and hit enter)

4. Go to:



5. Replace: (default)=”ole16.dll” with (default)=”shell32.dll”


ThreadingModel=”Both” with ThreadingModel=”Apartment”

6. Go to:



7. Replace: (default)=”ole16.dll” with (default)=”shell32.dll”


ThreadingModel=”Both” with ThreadingModel=”Apartment”

8. Delete all files from all the Temp directories.

9. Run this removal tool. -> http://students.info.uaic.ro/%7Etheodor.ciobanu/AntiFidCop.zip

Ok, and now, how to remove Win32.Warezov.gl:

1. Reboot the computer in Safe Mode (at the start of the boot sequence, press and hold F8, then choose Safe Mode from the Windows boot menu).

2. Use Task Manager to terminate the following process:


3. Manually delete the files listed below from the Windows root and system directories:

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