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vulnerabilitate pt Yahoo Messenger 8.1 [DOS]

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Vulnerabilitatea poate fi exploatatã atunci când victima acceptã o invitaþie pentru o conversaþie cu ajutorul camerei web.

Testat pe Yahoo Messenger

1. downloadezi http://www.team509.com/expyahoo.rar

2. compilezi dll-ul

3. alegi "invite to view my webcam" la un contact care ii online

4. cand a dat accept injectezi dll-ul in procesul de yahoo messenger

5. messengerul celuilalt sa "buseste"

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am intrat pe link-ul ala si imi arata multe caractere sau ce or fii alea :))

?2/ ??}t?ky??$???e?>%??`=??V??ic?Xq^??0z~>S?&P?+?e^?L?uv 8hS?[?VaELF?m??<?l?NPiti2X=y!????k??'v?o".???E?

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am intrat pe link-ul ala si imi arata multe caractere sau ce or fii alea :))

?2/ ??}t?ky??$???e?>%??`=??V??ic?Xq^??0z~>S?&P?+?e^?L?uv 8hS?[?VaELF?m??<?l?NPiti2X=y!????k??'v?o".???E?

ia-l cu un download manager...

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am intrat pe link-ul ala si imi arata multe caractere sau ce or fii alea :))

?2/ ??}t?ky??$???e?>%??`=??V??ic?Xq^??0z~>S?&P?+?e^?L?uv 8hS?[?VaELF?m??<?l?NPiti2X=y!????k??'v?o".???E?

ia-l cu un download manager...

damn nu mi-a trecut prin cap ;D

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