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PHP Evil RFI Scanner v1.2

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* PHP Evil RFI Scanner v1.2 *

* *

* Copyright © 2007 by evilsocket *

* *

* http://www.evilsocket.net *

* *

* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *

* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *

* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *

* (at your option) any later version. *

* *

* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *

* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *


* GNU General Public License for more details. *

* *

* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *

* along with this program; if not, write to the *

* Free Software Foundation, Inc., *

* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *

* *


/* regex per individuare le inclusioni */

$escan_inc_regex = array( '/include(_once)?.\$/ix', '/require(_once)?.\$/ix' )


/* regex per estrarre il nome delle variabili */

$escan_var_regex = array( '/\Ainclude(_once)?./is', '/\Arequire(_once)?./is' )


/* array di estensioni dei file da scansionare */

$escan_valid_ext = array( 'php' );

/* massima grandezza di un file da scansionare, se 0 scansiona tutti */

$escan_max_size = 0;

/* contatore delle directory scansionate */

$escan_dir_count = 0;

/* contatore dei file scansionati */

$escan_file_count = 0;

/* contatore dei potenziali rfi trovati */

$escan_match_count = 0;

/* contatore dei bytes totali scansionati */

$escan_byte_count = 0;


if( $argc < 2 ){




$stime = escan_get_mtime();

escan_recurse_dir( realpath($argv[1]).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR );

$etime = escan_get_mtime();

print "\n@ Scan report : \n\n" .

"\t$escan_dir_count directory .\n".

"\t$escan_file_count file .\n".

"\t" . escan_format_size($escan_byte_count) . " .\n".

"\t$escan_match_count potenziali RFI .\n".

"\t".($etime-$stime) . " secondi di elaborazione .\n\n";


/* formatta in una stringa una grandezza espressa in bytes */

function escan_format_size($bytes)


if( $bytes < 1024 ) return "$bytes bytes";

if( $bytes < 1048576 ) return ($bytes / 1024) . " Kb";

if( $bytes < 1073741824 ) return ($bytes / 1048576) . " Mb";

return ($bytes / 1073741824) . " Gb";


/* restituisce il timestamp espresso in secondi */

function escan_get_mtime()


list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ",microtime());

return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);


/* estrae la linea di codice dell inclusione */

function escan_scan_line($content,$offset)


list( $line, $dummy ) = explode( ";" , substr($content,$offset,strlen($c

ontent)) );

return $line.";";


/* estrae il nome della variabile dalla riga di codice dell inclusione */

function escan_parse_var( $line, $regex_id )


global $escan_var_regex;

$vars = preg_split($escan_var_regex[$regex_id],$line);

$varname = $vars[1];

$delimiters = " .);";

for( $i = 0; $i < strlen($varname); $i++ ){

for( $j = 0; $j < strlen($delimiters); $j++ ){

if($varname[$i] == $delimiters[$j]){

return substr( $varname, 0, $i );




return $varname;


/* controlla se la variabile $var viene definita in $content prima della posizio

ne $offset */

function escan_check_definitions($content,$offset,$var)


if( strpos( $var, "->" ) ){

return 1;


$chunk = substr($content,0,$offset);

$regex = "/".preg_quote($var,"/")."\s*=/ix";

preg_match( $regex, $chunk,$matches );

return count($matches);


/* parserizza il file $file per controllare la presenza di potenziali rfi */

function escan_parse_file($file)


global $escan_inc_regex;

global $escan_max_size;

global $escan_file_count;

global $escan_match_count;

global $escan_byte_count;

$fsize = filesize($file);

if( $escan_max_size && $fsize > $escan_max_size ) return;


$escan_byte_count += $fsize;

$content = @file_get_contents($file);

for( $i = 0; $i < count($escan_inc_regex); $i++ ){

if( preg_match_all( $escan_inc_regex[$i], $content, $matches, PR


$nmatch = count($matches[0]);

for( $j = 0; $j < $nmatch; $j++ ){

$offset = $matches[0][$j][1];

$line = escan_scan_line($content,$offset);

$var = escan_parse_var($line,$i);

if( escan_check_definitions($content,$offset,$var) == 0 )



print "@ $file - \n\t- '$var' alla posizione $offset .\n"{ ;







/* restituisce l'estensione del file $fname */

function escan_get_file_ext($fname)


if( strchr($fname,'.') ){

return substr($fname,strrpos($fname,'.')+1);



return "";



/* controlla se il file $fname

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