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Coursera - Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering

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Course Syllabus

Elements of signal and system theory

Week 1: Digital and analog information; block diagrams: sources, systems, sinks. Simple signals and systems. Complex numbers.

Analog Signal Processing

Weeks 2-3: Representation of signals by electrical quantities (electric currents and electromagnetic radiation). Elementary circuit theory: resistors and sources, KVL and KCL, power, equivalent circuits. Circuits with memory: impedance, transfer functions, Thévenin and Mayer-Norton equivalent circuits.

Frequency Domain Ideas

Weeks 4-5: Fourier series and Fourier transforms. Signals in time and frequency domains. Encoding information in the frequency domain. Filtering signals. Modeling the speech signal.

Digital Signal Processing

Weeks 6-8: Analog-to-digital (A/D) conversion: Sampling Theorem, amplitude quantization, data rate. Discrete-time signals and systems. Discrete-time Fourier transform, discrete Fourier transform and the fast Fourier transform. Digital implementation of analog filtering.

Communicating information

Weeks 9-10: Fundamentals of communication: channel models, wireline and wireless channels. Analog (AM) communication: modulation and demodulation, noise (signal-to-noise ratio, white noise models), linear filters for noise reduction.

Weeks 11-12: Digital communication: binary signal sets, digital channel models. Entropy and Shannon's Source Coding Theorem: lossless and lossy compression; redundancy. Error-correcting codes: Shannon’s Noisy Channel Coding Theorem, channel capacity, Hamming codes. Comparison of analog and digital communication.

Video: https://class.coursera.org/eefun-001/lecture/preview

pagina oficiala a cursului: https://www.coursera.org/course/eefun

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