Cartman. Posted June 27, 2014 Report Posted June 27, 2014 // cart@valoareunit PEFile;interfaceuses Windows, SysUtils;type TPEFile = class public function Load(szFilePath :String) :bool; function SaveToFile(szFilePath :String) :bool; function GetDosHeader :PImageDosHeader; function GetNtHeaders :PImageNtHeaders; function GetAlignment(addr :cardinal; alignement :cardinal) :cardinal; function RvaToVa(RVA :cardinal) :cardinal; function VaToRva(VA :cardinal) :cardinal; function VirtualReAlloc(pAddr :Pointer; dwOldSize, dwSize:DWORD) :Pointer; function AddSection(szName :String; characteristics :cardinal; info :Pointer; size :cardinal) :PImageSectionHeader; procedure DeleteCharacteristic(characteristics :cardinal); procedure AddCharacteristic(characteristics :cardinal); function GetEntrySection :PImageSectionHeader; procedure XorSection(ISH :PImageSectionHeader; key :integer); procedure DeleteTlsTable; function GetEOF :String; private IDH :PImageDosHeader; INH :PImageNtHeaders; dwFileSize :DWORD; end;implementationtype IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR = record OriginalFirstThunk: DWORD; TimeDateStamp: DWORD; ForwarderChain: DWORD; Name1: DWORD; FirstThunk: DWORD; end;function TPEFile.Load(szFilePath :String) :bool;var hFile :THANDLE; pBuffer :Pointer; dwRead :DWORD;begin Result := false; hFile := CreateFile(Pchar(szFilePath), GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NIL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0); if hFile > 0 then begin dwFileSize := GetFileSize(hFile, NIL); if dwFileSize > 0 then begin pBuffer := VirtualAlloc(NIL, dwFileSize, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE); if pBuffer <> NIL then begin SetFilePointer(hFile, 0, NIL, FILE_BEGIN); ReadFile(hFile, pBuffer^, dwFileSize, dwRead, NIL); IDH := pBuffer; INH := PImageNtHeaders(Integer(IDH) + IDH._lfanew); Result := true; end; end; CloseHandle(hFile); end;end;function TPEFile.SaveToFile(szFilePath :String) :bool;var hFile :THANDLE; dwWrite :DWORD;begin Result := false; hFile := CreateFile(Pchar(szFilePath), GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NIL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); if hFile > 0 then begin WriteFile(hFile, IDH^, dwFileSize, dwWrite, NIL); CloseHandle(hFile); Result := true; end;end;function TPEFile.GetDosHeader :PImageDosHeader;begin Result := IDH;end;function TPEFile.GetNtHeaders :PImageNtHeaders;begin Result := INH;end;procedure StrToName(szName :String; var bytes :array of byte);var i :integer;begin for i := 1 to (Length(szName) mod 8) do bytes[i-1] := Byte(szName[i]);end;function NameToStr(bytes :array of byte) :String;var i :integer;begin Result := ''; for i := 0 to 7 do begin if bytes[i] = $0 then break; Result := Result + Char(bytes[i]); end;end;function TPEFile.GetAlignment(addr :cardinal; alignement :cardinal) :cardinal;begin if (addr mod alignement) = 0 then Result := addr else Result := ((addr div alignement) + 1) * alignement;end;function TPEFile.RvaToVa(RVA :cardinal) :cardinal;var ISH :PImageSectionHeader; i :integer;begin ISH := PImageSectionHeader(Integer(INH) + sizeof(TImageNtHeaders)); for i := 0 to INH.FileHeader.NumberOfSections-1 do begin if (RVA >= ISH.VirtualAddress) and (RVA <= ISH.VirtualAddress + ISH.SizeOfRawData) then break; ISH := PImageSectionHeader(Integer(ISH) + sizeof(TImageSectionHeader)); end; Result := cardinal(IDH) + ISH.PointerToRawData + RVA - ISH.VirtualAddress;end;function TPEFile.VaToRva(VA :cardinal) :cardinal;var ISH :PImageSectionHeader; i :integer;begin VA := VA - cardinal(IDH); ISH := PImageSectionHeader(Integer(INH) + sizeof(TImageNtHeaders)); for i := 0 to INH.FileHeader.NumberOfSections-1 do begin if (VA >= ISH.PointerToRawData) and (VA <= ISH.PointerToRawData + ISH.SizeOfRawData) then break; ISH := PImageSectionHeader(Integer(ISH) + sizeof(TImageSectionHeader)); end; VA := VA - ISH.PointerToRawData + ISH.VirtualAddress; Result := VA;end;function TPEFile.VirtualReAlloc(pAddr :Pointer; dwOldSize, dwSize:DWORD) :Pointer;var pNewAddr :Pointer;begin pNewAddr := VirtualAlloc(NIL, dwSize, MEM_COMMIT or MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_READWRITE); if pNewAddr <> NIL then begin CopyMemory(pNewAddr, pAddr, dwOldSize); VirtualFree(pAddr, 0, MEM_RELEASE); end; Result := pNewAddr;end;function TPEFile.AddSection(szName :String; characteristics :cardinal; info :Pointer; size :cardinal) :PImageSectionHeader;var oldISH :PImageSectionHeader; ISH :PImageSectionHeader; i :Integer; pSection :Pointer;begin i := INH.FileHeader.NumberOfSections; INH.FileHeader.NumberOfSections := i+1; ISH := PImageSectionHeader(Integer(INH) + sizeof(TImageNtHeaders)); oldISH := PImageSectionHeader(Integer(ISH) + (i-1)*sizeof(TImageSectionHeader)); ISH := PImageSectionHeader(Integer(ISH) + i*sizeof(TImageSectionHeader)); ISH.VirtualAddress := GetAlignment(oldISH.VirtualAddress + oldISH.Misc.VirtualSize, INH.OptionalHeader.SectionAlignment); ISH.Misc.VirtualSize := size; ISH.SizeOfRawData := GetAlignment(size, INH.OptionalHeader.FileAlignment); ISH.PointerToRawData := GetAlignment(oldISH.PointerToRawData + oldISH.SizeOfRawData, INH.OptionalHeader.FileAlignment); StrToName(szName, ISH.Name); ISH.Characteristics := characteristics; ISH.PointerToRelocations := 0; ISH.PointerToLinenumbers := 0; ISH.NumberOfRelocations := 0; ISH.NumberOfLinenumbers := 0; INH.OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage := GetAlignment(INH.OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage + size, INH.OptionalHeader.SectionAlignment); INH.OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders := GetAlignment(INH.OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders + sizeof(TImageSectionHeader), INH.OptionalHeader.FileAlignment); // Set the new size IDH := VirtualReAlloc(IDH, dwFileSize, dwFileSize + sizeof(TImageSectionHeader) + ISH.SizeOfRawData); INH := PImageNtHeaders(Integer(IDH) + IDH._lfanew); ISH := PImageSectionHeader(Integer(INH) + sizeof(TImageNtHeaders)); ISH := PImageSectionHeader(Integer(ISH) + i*sizeof(TImageSectionHeader)); dwFileSize := dwFileSize + ISH.SizeOfRawData; pSection := Pointer(DWORD(IDH) + ISH.PointerToRawData); move(info^, pSection^, size); Result := ISH;end;procedure TPEFile.DeleteCharacteristic(characteristics :cardinal);var ISH :PImageSectionHeader; i :integer;begin ISH := PImageSectionHeader(Integer(INH) + sizeof(TImageNtHeaders)); for i := 0 to INH.FileHeader.NumberOfSections-1 do begin if (ISH.Characteristics and characteristics) <> 0 then ISH.Characteristics := ISH.Characteristics xor characteristics; ISH := PImageSectionHeader(Integer(ISH) + sizeof(TImageSectionHeader)); end;end;procedure TPEFile.AddCharacteristic(characteristics :cardinal);var ISH :PImageSectionHeader; i :integer;begin ISH := PImageSectionHeader(Integer(INH) + sizeof(TImageNtHeaders)); for i := 0 to INH.FileHeader.NumberOfSections-1 do begin ISH.Characteristics := ISH.Characteristics or characteristics; ISH := PImageSectionHeader(Integer(ISH) + sizeof(TImageSectionHeader)); end;end;function TPEFile.GetEntrySection :PImageSectionHeader;var ISH :PImageSectionHeader; i :integer;begin ISH := PImageSectionHeader(Integer(INH) + sizeof(TImageNtHeaders)); for i := 0 to INH.FileHeader.NumberOfSections-1 do begin if (INH.OptionalHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint >= ISH.VirtualAddress) and (INH.OptionalHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint <= ISH.VirtualAddress + ISH.Misc.VirtualSize) then break; ISH := PImageSectionHeader(Integer(ISH) + sizeof(TImageSectionHeader)); end; Result := ISH;end;procedure TPEFile.XorSection(ISH :PImageSectionHeader; key :integer);var pBeginSection :PChar; i :integer;begin pBeginSection := PChar(cardinal(IDH) + ISH.PointerToRawData); for i := 0 to ISH.Misc.VirtualSize-1 do pBeginSection[i] := char(integer(pBeginSection[i]) xor key);end;procedure TPEFile.DeleteTlsTable;begin INH.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_TLS].VirtualAddress := 0; INH.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_TLS].Size := 0;end;function TPEFile.GetEOF :String;var peSize :Integer; sizeEOF :Integer; i :Integer; EOF :pChar; ISH :PImageSectionHeader;begin Result := ''; peSize := 0; for i := 0 to INH.FileHeader.NumberOfSections-1 do begin ISH := PImageSectionHeader(Integer(INH) + sizeof(TImageNtHeaders) + i*sizeof(TImageSectionHeader)); peSize := peSize + ISH.SizeOfRawData; end; sizeEOF := dwFileSize - INH.OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders - peSize; if sizeEOF > 0 then begin EOF := pChar(DWORD(IDH) + INH.OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders + peSize); for i := 0 to sizeEOF-1 do Result := Result + EOF[i]; end;end;end. 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