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Credit card declined,Please Validate Your Account Information – APPLE

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Credit card declined,Please Validate Your Account Information – Atac de tip phishing asupra clientilor apple

Se raspandeste un nou atac de tip phishing, vizand de aceasta data clientii Apple. Scopul este furtul datelor de logare cu scopul de a achizitiona probabil diverse aplicatii, produse folosind cardul atasat acestui cont.

Subiectul este urmatorul: Credit card declined,Please Validate Your Account Information si este trimis de la o adresa de genul apple@account1230448_verifcation.com.

Continutul suna astfel:

Dear Apple user,

please download the attached form to verify your profile information and restore your account access.

Make sure you enter the information accurately, and according to the formats required.

Fill in all the required fields.


We have sent you an attachement which contains all the necessary steps in order to restore your account access. Download and open it in your browser….

Email-ul consta intr-o poza mare atasata si dand click pe ea se descarca un fisier de la adresa https://www.facebook.com/download/1482131575362408/APP_1700546.html

Fisierul html descarcat contine un formular ce va solicita ID-ul si parola Apple. Daca le introduceti acolo veti pierde contul si de asemenea banii de pe cardul atasat.


Nu va jucati cu focul !!

-> Sursa: Credit card declined,Please Validate Your Account Information – Atac de tip phishing asupra clientilor apple

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