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[RST] Downloader Trilulilu

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Am reusit sa fac un mic program in python care sa descarce video dupa trilulilu. Nu este nici pe aproape optimizat, inca vreau sa mai adaug multe lucruri. Sursa pentru cine vrea sa ajute.


'#!/usr/bin/env python# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


Python Trilulilu Downloader

Support for Video and Audio

Support for online view

Author: sharkyz of rstforums.com


import re

from requests_futures .sessions import FuturesSession

from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

import time

import lxml

import sys #, os

url = 'http://www.trilulilu.ro/pisica-asta-chiar-isi-doreste-sa-vorbeasca'

class commands(object):

def __init__(self, httpadress):

self.httpadress = httpadress

#@profile # Used for profiling the app line by line // Ignore

def main_function(self): # Acess, Find, Rewrite, Download

session = FuturesSession(executor=ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=16))

page = session.get(self.httpadress)

page_result = page.result()

page_result.encoding = 'utf-8'

soup = BeautifulSoup(page_result.text, 'lxml')

locatescript = soup.find(text=re.compile('swfobject.embedSWF'))

keys = re.findall(r'"([^,]*?)":', locatescript)

values = re.findall(r'(?<=:)(?:"(.*?)"|\d+)', locatescript)

vovu = dict(zip(keys, values))

video_test = {'videosrc_0':'http://fs{servers}.trilulilu.ro/stream.php?type=video&'












# Name the file

page_title = soup.title.string # Title of trilulilu page

title_chooser = page_title.split(' - ') # Split the title wherever '-' and create a list with elements

# Search for the right file to download & Download it

for link in video_test:

respond = session.get(video_test[link], stream=True)

file_size = int(respond.result().headers.get('Content-Length', 0))

if file_size > 1048576:

# Check if the link was the mp4 or the flv format and choose name

if 'mp4' in video_test[link]:

local_name_file = '{} - {}.mp4'.format(title_chooser[0],title_chooser[1])

elif 'flv' in video_test[link]:

local_name_file = '{} - {}.flv'.format(title_chooser[0],title_chooser[1])


print('Download stopped, not recognizable format!')

with open(local_name_file, 'wb') as f:

dl = 0

count = 0

start_time_local = time.mktime(time.localtime())

# Writing file

for chunk in respond.result().iter_content(chunk_size=32 * 1024):

if chunk:

count += 1

dl += len(chunk)


end_time_local = time.mktime(time.localtime())


#Configuring Progressbar

if end_time_local > start_time_local:

dl_speed = round((dl / (end_time_local - start_time_local)) / 1000, 2)


#print('Downloading now...\nFile:{}\nSize:{}M'.format(local_name_file, round(file_size / 1000/ 1000, 2)))

percent_text = round(dl * 100 / file_size)

percent_text4 = round(percent_text/4)


#teleies1='.' * x

#asterisks1='*' * int(i/2)

i = round(percent_text4)

x = 12 - i

z = 25 - i

def asterisks0():

if percent_text <= 50:

return '#' * int(i)


return '#' * 12

def teleies0():

if percent_text < 10:

return '-' * int(x + 1)

elif percent_text <= 50:

return '-' * int(x)


return ''

def asterisks1():

if percent_text > 50:

str_asterisk1 = '#' * (i - 12)

return '#' * (i - 12)


return ''

def teleies1():

if percent_text > 50:

return '-' * z


return '-' * 12

# Progressbar printing

sys.stdout.write('[{}{}{}%{}{}] [ Speed: {}Kbps ] \r'.format(asterisks0(),teleies0(),percent_text,asterisks1(),teleies1(),dl_speed))


start = commands(url).main_function()


[ Coming ]

* Asyncio pentru request si pentru download # Mai rapid /Done

* Progress bar pentru descarcare # Mai frumos, /Done (I want something better)

* Concurrent download threads # Faster /In progress

* Watch as you download # Mai util

* mp3 converter

Si cam atat am in minte sa fac pana maine!

Ideine si contributiile sunt bine venite.

[ Bugs ]

* Nu se pot descarca videouri mai mici de 1mb decat daca schimbati if file_size > 1048576: cu ceva mai mic. 1048576 sunt bits.

EDIT[2]: De data asta programul este compatibil si cu windows, linux si mac, sper.

EDIT[1]: Acum merge numai ca trebuie sa introduci link-ul manual

EDIT[0]: Am observat ca nu merge pe toate videourile, pe majoritatea, asa ca voi reveni cu un update mai tarziu.

Edited by sharkyz
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