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NetIQ Access Manager 4.0 SP1 XSS / CSRF / XXE Injection / Disclosure

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SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab Security Advisory < 20141218-2 >
title: Multiple high risk vulnerabilities
product: NetIQ Access Manager
vulnerable version: 4.0 SP1
fixed version: 4.0 SP1 Hot Fix 3
CVE number: CVE-2014-5214, CVE-2014-5215, CVE-2014-5216,
impact: High
homepage: https://www.netiq.com/
found: 2014-10-29
by: W. Ettlinger
SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab

Vendor/product description:
"As demands for secure web access expand and delivery becomes increasingly
complex, organizations face some formidable challenges. Access Manager
provides a simple yet secure and scalable solution that can handle all your
web access needs—both internal as well as in the cloud."

URL: https://www.netiq.com/products/access-manager/

Business recommendation:
An attacker without an account on the NetIQ Access Manager is be able to gain
administrative access by combining different attack vectors. Though this host
may not always be accessible from a public network, an attacker is still able
to compromise the system when directly targeting administrative users.

Because the NetIQ Access Manager is used for authentication, an attacker
compromising the system can use it to gain access to other systems.

SEC Consult highly recommends that this software is not used until a full
security review has been performed and all issues have been resolved.

Vulnerability overview/description:
1) XML eXternal Entity Injection (XXE, CVE-2014-5214)
Authenticated administrative users can download arbitrary files from the Access
Manager administration interface as the user "novlwww".

The vendor provided the following KB link:

2) Reflected Cross Site Scripting (XSS, CVE-2014-5216)
Multiple reflected cross site scripting vulnerabilities were found. These
allow effective attacks of administrative and SSLVPN sessions.

The vendor provided the following KB link:

3) Persistent Site Scripting (XSS, CVE-2014-5216)
A persistent cross site scripting vulnerability was found. This allows
effective attacks of administrative and SSLVPN sessions.

The vendor provided the following KB link:

4) Cross Site Request Forgery (CVE-2014-5217)
The Access Manager administration interface does not have CSRF protection.

The vendor provided the following KB link:

5) Information Disclosure (CVE-2014-5215)
Authenticated users of the administration interface can gain authentication
information of internal administrative users.

The vendor provided the following KB link:

By combining all of the above vulnerabilities (CSRF, XSS, XXE) an
unauthenticated, non-admin user may gain full access to the system!

Proof of concept:
1) XML eXternal Entity Injection (XXE)
As an example, the following URL demonstrates the retrieval of the /etc/passwd
file as an authenticated administrative user:


2) Reflected Cross Site Scripting (XSS)
The following URLs demonstrate different reflected XSS flaws in the
administration interface and the user interface.






3) Persistent Site Scripting (XSS)
The following URL injects a stored script on the auditing page:


4) Cross Site Request Forgery
As an example, an attacker is able to change the administration password to
'12345' by issuing a GET request in the context of an authenticated
administrator. The old password is not necessary for this attack!


5) Information Disclosure
The following URLs disclose several useful information to an authenticated


The disclosed system properties:

The static string "k~jd)*L2;93=Gjs" is XORed with these values in order
to decrypt passwords of internally used service accounts.

By combining all of the above vulnerabilities (CSRF, XSS, XXE) an
unauthenticated, non-admin user may gain full access to the system!

Vulnerable / tested versions:
The vulnerabilities have been verified to exist in the NetIQ Access Manager
version 4.0 SP1, which was the most recent version at the time of discovery.

Vendor contact timeline:
2014-10-29: Contacting security@netiq.com, sending responsible disclosure
policy and PGP keys
2014-10-29: Vendor redirects to security@novell.com, providing PGP keys
through Novell support page
2014-10-30: Sending encrypted security advisory to Novell
2014-10-30: Novell acknowledges the receipt of the advisory
2014-12-16: Novell: the vulnerability fixes will be released tomorrow;
The CSRF vulnerability will not be fixed immediately
("Since this can be done only after an authorized login");
two XSS vulnerabilities can not be exploited ("We could not
take advantage or retrieve any cookie info on the server
side - it looks like it's a client side cross scripting
2014-12-16: Explaining why those vulnerabilities can be exploited
2014-12-17: Novell: Fix will be released tomorrow
2014-12-17: Verifying release of advisory tomorrow
2014-12-18: Novell: Advisory can be released
2014-12-18: Coordinated release of security advisory

Update to the latest available of Access Manager and implement workarounds
mentioned in the KB articles by Novell linked above.

For some vulnerabilities, Novell provides best practice recommendations in the
URLs linked above.

Advisory URL:

SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab

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EOF W. Ettlinger / @2014


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