Aerosol Posted December 27, 2014 Report Posted December 27, 2014 This Guide is adapted from Carlos Perez’s Blog (Installing Metasploit Framework in OS X) (which is a must read) with some additions and fixes to make the setup work on OS X Yosemite. This post should help to alleviate some common issues with installing ruby and the Metasploit Framework on OS X. The main issues being that OS X ships with a newer version of Ruby that is not compatible with Metasploit and the version of libiconv installed with OS X causes issues installing the Nokogiri gem.Xcode and Command Line Development ToolsThe first step is to ensure that Software Update has been run and that OS X is updated. Once OS X has been updated, It is time to install Xcode.Mac App Store – XcodeOnce Xcode has been installed launch Xcode from Applications and agree to the SDK License Agreement.Instal Xcode developer tools by typing:xcode-select --installClick Install in the dialog box that pops up and the package will be installed.JavaEnsure that the latest versions of the Java 7 JRE and JDK are installed. homebrew by running the following command:ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"Once Homebrew installs, run ‘brew doctor’ to finalize the installation of homebrew.brew doctorOnce homebrew is installed and set up, the PATH needs to be updated to ensure that all homebrew binaries are executed correctly.echo PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:$PATH >> ~/.bash_profileOnce this is done, load the new $PATH by sourcing it.source ~/.bash_profileFrom here we need to ensure that both versions and dupes are loaded into homebrew (We load in dupes for later, as a dependency for nokogiri is located in here.)brew tap homebrew/versionsbrew tap homebrew/dupesHomebrew InstallsBefore Metasploit can be installed, some more dependencies should be installed via homebrew.NmapThis can be installed either via the dmg from their site, or via homebrew. Homebrew tends to keep their packages updated and it is quite easy to install and manage.brew install nmapInstall Ruby 1.9.3Now time for the part the most frequently causes issues. Ruby 1.9.3. This is the version from homebrew that works best with Metasploit and is easiest to install and maintain.brew install homebrew/versions/ruby193Now, the most important part of the ruby installation, Ensuring that the ruby version you are running is in fact 1.9.3.ruby –vInstalling and configuring PostgreSQLNow, time to install the backend database that Metasploit uses.brew install postgresql --without-ossp-uuidIf the Homebrew install did NOT complete this for you, the next step is to initialize the database for first time usage.initdb /usr/local/var/postgresAs of 9.3.5_1 it looks like the homebrew installer wraps up by running this command for you.Ensure that postgreSQL is set to launch on boot by issuing the following:mkdir -p ~/Library/LaunchAgentscp /usr/local/Cellar/postgresql/9.3.5_1/homebrew.mxcl.postgresql.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents/Start the PostgreSQL service:launchctl load -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.postgresql.plistCreate a new user msf* and a database msf with the user msf as the owner.createuser msf -P -h localhostcreatedb -O msf msf -h localhost*Remember this password as it will be used when configuring MetasploitConfiguring VNCViewerAs Metasploit uses vncviewer for its VNC payloads, and OS X comes with a VNC client, we need to create the needed vncviewer file that will call the OS X vnc viewer.echo '#!/usr/bin/env bash'>> /usr/local/bin/vncviewerecho open vnc://\$1 >> /usr/local/bin/vncviewerchmod +x /usr/local/bin/vncviewerInstalling Metasploit FrameworkInstalling the following gems needed for running the framework:gem install pg sqlite3 msgpack activerecord redcarpet rspec simplecov yard bundlerDownload the framework and prepare the directories:cd /usr/local/share/git clone metasploit-frameworkfor MSF in $(ls msf*); do ln -s /usr/local/share/metasploit-framework/$MSF /usr/local/bin/$MSF;donesudo chmod go+w /etc/profilesudo echo export MSF_DATABASE_CONFIG=/usr/local/share/metasploit-framework/config/database.yml >> /etc/profileUsing brew and bundler the properly supported gems need to be installed.brew install libiconvgem install nokogiri –v ‘’ -- --with-iconv-dir=/usr/local/Cellar/libiconv/1.14bundle installNow that the framework has been installed, and proper bundles installed. The database connection needs to be configured.Save the following into /usr/local/share/metasploit-framework/config/database.yml replace <password> with the msf user’s password you set /usr/local/share/metasploit-framework/config/database.ymlproduction: adapter: postgresql database: msf username: msf password: <password> host: port: 5432 pool: 75 timeout: 5Now that this file has been created, source bash_profile to load the variables for the database.source /etc/profilesource ~/.bash_profileNow, to start Metasploit Framework as YOUR USER to it initializes the schema for the database for the first time as a NON ROOT user.msfconsoleOnce the console loads, ensure that the database is connected by issuing:msf> db_statusit should return:[*] postgresql connected to msfInstall ArmitageExecute the following commands to prepare the environment and download armitage to the correct location:brew install pidofcurl -# -o /tmp/armitage.tgz -xvzf /tmp/armitage.tgz -C /usr/local/sharebash -c "echo \'/usr/bin/java\' -jar /usr/local/share/armitage/armitage.jar \$\*" > /usr/local/share/armitage/armitageperl -pi -e 's/armitage.jar/\/usr\/local\/share\/armitage\/armitage.jar/g' /usr/local/share/armitage/teamserverLastly, create sym links for Armitage:ln -s /usr/local/share/armitage/armitage /usr/local/bin/armitageln -s /usr/local/armitage/teamserver /usr/local/bin/teamserverNow that the installing is complete, to launch these application I have created OS X .app files that will launch these from the Dock or /Applications/ (coming soon) However if you would like to use the terminal, due to the way variables are handled when using sudo, you will need to give the –E option.sudo –E armitagesudo –E msfconsoleSpecial thanks to Syph0n for creating this articleSource Quote