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Rekall Profiles

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Rekall started life as a fork from the Volatility project. Volatility uses profiles to control the parsing of memory. For example, in Volatility one must specify the profile before analysis begins:

$ vol.py -f myimage.dd --profile Win7SP1x86 pslist

What is a profile?

So what is this profile? A profile provides the application with specialized support for precisely the operating system version which is running inside the image. Why do we need specialized support? In order to make sense of the memory image.

Lets take a step back and examine how memory is used by a running computer. The physical memory itself is simply a series of zeros and ones, without any semantic context at all. The processor is free to read/write from arbitrary locations (sans alignment restrictions). However, computer programs need to organize this memory so they can store meaningful data. For example, in the C programming language one can define a struct which specifies how variables are laid out in memory (For all the details see this workshop):

typedef unsigned char uchar;
enum {
} options;

struct foobar {
enum options flags;
short int bar;
uchar *foo;

Using this information, the compiler can devise a layout of how to store each variable in memory. Since Rekall only receives the memory as a contiguous block of ones and zeros, we need to know where each parameter is laid out in memory.

This problem is actually common to a debugger. The debugger needs to also retrieve the struct members so it can display them to the user. It turns out that to make debugging easier, compilers generate exact layout information for every data type they have. This way the debugger can see where in memory (relative to the struct offset) is each parameter.

Rekall (and Volatility) use this debugging information to know how to extract each struct member from memory. We construct a python data structure which specifies exactly how to extract each field by parsing the debugging symbols.

For example, the above struct foo might by described by:

vtypes = {
'foobar': [12, {
'flags': [0, ['Enumeration', dict(
target="unsigned int",
1: "OPT1",
2: "OPT2",
'bar: [4, ['unsigned short int']],
'foo: [8, ['Pointer', dict(target="unsigned char")]],

Note that:

  • The description is purely data. It consists of field names, offsets and type names.
  • The precise offset of each field is provided explicitly. This is different from many other parsing libraries (e.g. Construct) which require all fields to be specified (or padding fields to be inserted). This special feature allows:
  • To write sparse struct definitions - i.e. definitions where not all the fields are known.
  • Alias fields (e.g. implement a union) where different types are all located in the same memory address.

A profile is actually a collection of such vtype definitions (among other things) which provides the rest of the code with the specific memory layout of the struct members. You can think of it as a template which is overlayed on top of the memory to select the individual field members.

Typically to analyze an operating system, the profile is generated from debugging symbols for the kernel binary itself.

How do we deal with versions?

As operating systems evolve over time, the source code changes in very subtle ways. For example, assume the above struct definition is altered to add an additional field:

struct foobar {
unsigned int new_field;
enum options flags;
short int bar;
uchar *foo;

Now to make space for the new field, all subsequent fields are pushed up by 4 bytes. This means the vtype definition we have above is wrong, since the offsets for all the fields have changed. If we tried to use the old template on the memory image from the new operating system, we will think that the new_field is actually flags, the flags field is actually bar etc.

So generally a profile must match the exact version of the operating system kernel we are analyzing. Slight version mismatches might still work but not reliably (Struct definitions which have not changed between versions will continue to work, but if some of the types were slightly modified our analysis will break).

So how does Volatility solve this problem?

  • Volatility has many windows profiles embedded into its source code. For example there is a profile for Windows XP Service Pack 3, one for Windows Vista Service Pack 2 etc. Also included are profiles for the different architectures (x86 and x64).
  • For OSX, one has to download the profile pack from the Volatility site. These are Zip files containing the textual output of dwarfdump (the dump of debugging symbols). When running on an OSX image, Volatility opens the zip file, parses the output of dwarfdump into an in memory python data structure before proceeding with the analysis. Each OSX profile is approximately 1mb, making the entire profile pack around 50mb big.
  • For Linux there are so many versions, that users must build their own by compiling a kernel module in debug mode, and dumping the output of dwarfdump. Again the profile is a zip file containing the output of the linux dwarfdump (which is actually slightly different from the OSX one). Again this must be parsed by the program before any analysis can begin.

There are a number of problems with this approach:

  • Windows profiles are included in the code base, which means that all windows profiles are always loaded into memory all the time (even when analyzing a different version of windows).
  • There are about 20-30 different windows profiles. In practice there are hundreds of released builds of the windows kernel. So the profiles that are included in Volatility are only representative to the precise version. As discussed above, one need to have the exact profile version for reliable memory analysis. Hence there is bound to be some variability between the profile version provided by Volatility and the one needed for the actual image.
  • This is simply not scalable - there is a limit of how many profiles one can include with the code. For OSX the profiles must be downloaded separately, and for linux they must be built. You cant really use it as a library included into a third party with such a huge memory footprint.
  • It is also very slow. Due to the plugin model in Volatility, profiles are placed inside one of the plugins directory. When Volatility starts up it tries to load all files inside its plugin directory. This means you cant just point Volatility into your profiles directory because it will always try to open every single profile you have in there.
  • The profile format is not consistent between operating systems. The OSX profiles are parsed using OSX specific parsers, Linux is parsed using a textual based dwarf parser, while windows profiles must be inserted into the code manually.
  • The profiles are very slow to parse. The dwarfparsers used for Linux and OSX profiles are actually parsing the textual output of the dwarfdump program - this is quite slow and not really needed.

Since it is important to the Rekall project to minimize memory footprint (so it can be used as a library) and also to improve performance, we had to redesign how profiles work:

  • We observed that the profile contains the vtype definitions for the specific operating system involved. The vtype definitions are just a static data structure consisting of lists, dicts, strings and numbers. This means we can store the profile in a data file, instead of embed it as python code.
  • In python, textual parsing is pretty expensive. Especially parsing the output of dwarfdump is pretty slow. We observed that profiles are written only once (when dumping the output of dwarfdump) but are read every single time the tool runs. It therefore makes sense to write the profile in a format which is optimized for loading very fast with minimal parsing. Since the vtype definition is just a data structure, we know that in Python, JSON is the fastest serialization for simple data structures there is. (Maybe cPickle is faster but we wanted to stay away from pickles to enable the safe interchange of profiles).
  • Finally we observed that for Linux and OSX (and actually for windows too, as explained in a future blog post), the zip file contains a number of different types of data. The Zip file contains the vtype description of all the structs using in the kernel, but also it contains the offsets of global symbols (e.g the kernel system map). For analysing these we need both symbols and constants to represent the kernel version.

In Rekall, the profile is a simple data structure (using strings, dict, lists and numbers) which represents a specific version of the kernel. Rather than separate the different types of information (e.g. vtypes and constants) into different members of a zip file, we combine them all into a single dict. Here is an example of a Linux Ubuntu 3.8.0-27 kernel:

".brk.dmi_alloc": 18446744071598981120,
".brk.m2p_overrides": 18446744071598964736,
".brk.p2m_identity": 18446744071594827776,
".brk.p2m_mid": 18446744071594831872,
".brk.p2m_mid_identity": 18446744071598927872,
".brk.p2m_mid_mfn": 18446744071596879872,
".brk.p2m_mid_missing": 18446744071594807296,
".brk.p2m_mid_missing_mfn": 18446744071594811392,
".brk.p2m_missing": 18446744071594803200,
".brk.p2m_populated": 18446744071598952448,

"ProfileClass": "Linux64",
"Type": "Profile"
"__raw_tickets": [4, {
"head": [0, ["short unsigned int"]],
"tail": [2, ["short unsigned int"]]

We can see that the top level object is a dict, with keys like "$CONSTANTS", "$METADATA", "$STRUCTS". These are called profile sections. For example, the most common sections are:

$CONSTANTS: A dict of constants and their offsets in memory.

$STRUCTS: The vtype description of all structs in this kernel version.

$METADATA: This describes the kernel, it contains the name of the python class that implements this profile, the kernel’s build version, architecture etc.

The whole data structure is serialized using JSON into a file and is loaded at once using pythons json.load() function (This function is actually implemented in C and is extremely fast).

An interesting optimization is the realization that if dictionaries are sorted in the json file, then gzip will work much more effectively (since the data will naturally contain a lot of repeated common prefixes - especially with the very large system map). This makes the JSON files much smaller on disk than the Volatility profiles. For example, the Volatility profile for OSX Lion_10.7_AMD.zip is about 1.2mb while the Rekall profile for the same version is 336kb. Both profiles contain the same information and are both compressed.

The Rekall profile format is standard across all supported operating systems. Even though generating the profiles uses different mechanism for different operating systems (i.e. parsing PDB files for windows, parsing dwarf files for Linux, parsing debug kernels for OSX), the final output is exactly the same. This makes the profile loading code in Rekall much simpler.

It is possible to convert existing Volatility profiles into the Rekall format by using the convert_profile plugin (This might be useful when migrating old profiles from Volatility to Rekall):

$ rekall convert_profile ./profiles/Volatility/SnowLeopard_10.6.6_AMD.zip ./OSX_10.6.6_AMD.json
$ rekall -f OSX_image.dd --profile ./OSX_10.6.6_AMD.json

In a future post we discuss how Rekall profiles are organized into a public profile repository.


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