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All your onions are belong to us...Lizard Squad Targets Tor

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This is what the Tor network looks like right now.


"“Lizard Squad,” the notorious hacker collective is now reportedly after the anonymous communication service, the Tor Project. Tor's service keeps users anonymous by bouncing communications around a large network of computers known as "volunteer nodes." But as Gizmodo points out, if one group can control most of the nodes — which is exactly what Lizard Squad is attempting to do here — it may “be able to eavesdrop on a substantial number of vulnerable users.” Computer programmer Nadim Kobeissi says Lizard Squad has claimed nearly half of Tor’s ~8,000 relays. As for the Tor project, the group has not released any statements."

All your onions are belong to us...Lizard Squad Targets Tor - Slashdot

‘Lizard Squad,’ The Hacker Gang That Shut Down PSN And Xbox Live For 2 Straight Days, Is Now Reportedly Attacking Tor - Business Insider

Anonymous To 'Lizard Squad': Stop Attacking Tor

Anonymous @yourAnonNews

Anonymous To 'Lizard Squad': Stop Attacking Tor - Business Insider

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